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    PARPG - a nuclear winter RPG moving towards a 2nd techdemo

    Hello mvBarracuda, and hello everybody. Just out of curiosity: Resolution? Number of colours? How many orientation for creatures? Will be movement handled by the engine or will be handled directly by animated sprites à la Fallout? Different sprites for each weapon (Fo), or...
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    Question (FO2)

    You actually have to give the critter a flamebreath weapon, just like deathclows and robotic turrets actually have invisible weapons. You can do it via script if you are spawning the critter via script when the PC enters your map the first time. Hope this helps, see you.
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    Scripting Question Adding upgradable weapons...

    Hello there. You need to do three things: A) Make a suitable weapon proto B) Register your new proto in COMMAND.H and ITEMPID.H headers C) Use your new weapon pid in your scripts. First of all make back up copies of the two headers. Define your new weapon in the weapons section of...
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    default door scripts

    Hello there. If you only tested the script in the mapper then that's normal. Locking scripts only works as intended in-game. In the mapper they work as traps. I hope this helps, see you.
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    Custom Art Repository

    Hi Karel. No, I remade that critter, but the one which is distributed was actually made again by Lisac2k. And just for the record: I started modding again... See you.
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    New critter uploaded: Waste Bot.

    Mr.Wolna, I welcome and encourage you to use this bot for your project. I know that this robot colours are less than perfect... That's what I managed to get out the Fo2 palette. I must admit it's a bit boring: steel, brown, gray. You cannot use /make a lot more... See you.
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    New critter uploaded: Waste Bot.

    Hello there. Here you go my latest project, a kind of post-industrial robot. Consider it to be a snippet of the work that we're doing for BGE. This bot is meant to be a maintenance/non military generic purpose bot, so it does not use any weapon. Linky...
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    Original sprite editor.

    Hello there. A quick question: does anybody know what tool was used to center critters frames in the original game? Odds are it was a custom tool, but you never know... Frame Animator is fine, but it lacks some flexibility. I really miss a zoom feature and I could really use the ability to...
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    Uniq Armor/Critter Mod!

    My apologies, I admit my ignorance about the scripting part. See you.
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    Uniq Armor/Critter Mod!

    Hello folks. I went through the whole tread rather hastily but I think that what follows wasn't pointed out yet: PC appearence is hardcoded. You cannot add in game a new armour look for PCs without getting rid of something else (character or even creature, probably). Just an example: if your...
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    Goris Animation and Script Question!

    Hello Mr.Wolna. When using variables you have to declare them somewhere. For local variables you can simply declare them in your scripts: #define LVAR_First_Combat; (4) This tells the scripting engine that the variable exists and it's ready to be used. The number between...
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    Goris Animation and Script Question!

    Hi Mr.Wolna. The two procedures do nothing becouse they're set to be ignored: The double slash means the compiler has to ignore the content of what follows them. I got a look at Goris' script and for the little I know the whole thing could be hardcoded. You could give the stand up and sit...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Actually the Stealth Boy is described as desabled in the game headers, but I relly think they actually meant that they didn't put any speciman in game... It's included in the mapper and as far as graphics go it works... Even with full power armour on. The fact that the character becomes...
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    Submarine Mod

    And this makes 1k more tiles... I'm impressed about the submarine, Continuum.
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    Submarine Mod

    Hello Continuum. 300 more tiles souldn't be a problem. I remember an old post by Dude_Object where he stated there actually is a limit to the number of tiles and scenery objects you can add in the mapper (engine limits...). If I remember correctly you can add some 800 new tiles, less or more...
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    TeamX documents Russian to English translation

    Hi there Kanhef. Is there anything about critters sounds? :)) It's much needed here... See you.
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    Converting Frm to valid name format?

    Hi Prosper .FRMs names must be 8 chracters or less, this is the only requirement names need. Critter .FRMs have conventions for names, but that's only to locate animations easily. Having a scenery piece .frm to play is the hardest part, I never managed to have one work. Does your .frm...
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    Converting graphics to frm

    Hi Karel. In blender 2.43 you can simply use the default camera. Hit view on the toolbar and choose the orthographic vew, then hit view again and select the camera: the model will be shown at rotation 3 (0/5, just like critters. Critters, scenery pieces and buildings share the same...
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    New Art - For FIFE or FO2

    Eh eh, good 'ol eggplant. I downloaded your .avi and I'm impressed by the eye you made. I'm planning to do something for this contest too... Even if it might not be something Fallout related. I'm considering something different. A quick thing I put together this last Sunday: See you.
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    New critters sound (again...).

    Yes, I made a very basic script for the critter. I also got help by MIB88, but I've ben unable to use his code... Which I've been unable to find back lately... The strange thing is my first 4 critters don't crash the mapper, and so does the eighth. All the others are non-stable.