Still Mildly Glowing

I've been playing fallout 2 and every time I get to a place that seems incomplete, I think of this project. I really do hope this comes out. Your basically giving us what Interplay failed to give us. I had a question though; that oddly enough bothers me. When I see maps created by mod teams, sometimes they seem like the placement of objects are much too random, or not random enough if you know what I mean. On Fallout 2 it seems every level was created with care and good intentions. In trapper town you don't really talk to much people and pretty much just kill rats; BUT the level looks so BAD ASS! I love the detail in it. I'm not worried that these new addictions will not fit. I'm just checking to see if you guys know what I mean about the levels in fallout 2. And I hope these new levels will reflect the rest of Fallout 2's style. It would be funny if a developer from Fallout 2 came on here and offered his help to this project. Its not like hes making a new game, just adding a little more "color" to fallout 2. Anyhow, glad to see everything is going (even if its going slow). Btw, killap; your patch rules! So far I can finish every quest and the car stays where its suppose to be.