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  1. S

    Critter frames offsets (solved?!?)

    Hi there! :D I had no hope to hear about you soon. Anyway, this is the situation: I made a new critter model (a single wheeled bot) using anim8or. I made the basics animations (one death only) and rendered them into .bmp's. Anim8or only supports .avi, .bmp and .jpg. I didn't want to convert...
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    Items scripts

    So you can actually decrease stat/skill values? :) Yay, a couple of trinkets for the science guy coming!
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    Current EPA Project

    I think I have some stuff of the like, too :roll:
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    Items scripts

    Hi there. 1) I tried the same with night goggles giving +1 to perception... and got the same result. Never found a way to fix this problem. 2) in case of weapons there are similar problems, and they can be fixed by registering them in the appropriate header. I don't know if this applies to...
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    Current EPA Project

    Chris Parks wrote: Wait... In the game there already are three unused registered towns, EPA is one... You shouldn't require the town patch. Did you registered EPA a second time? Or is it a matter of maps number? Just a couriosity. See you.
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    Marcus and Armor

    I found a similar bit of code in Vic's script, the node number is the same... Node 1009 must be the one used to have a party member put his armour away, via the p.m. interface... There must be something similar to have them WEAR armour... Always operated via the same interface: Marcus probably...
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    Marcus and Armor

    Actually in the mapper you can give any critter an armour, and put it in the armour slot. Resistence and ac do stack. When closing the inventory window appearence does not change, of course. I found a "remove_armor(self_obj)" bit in his script, and that's why he can't use armours.
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    New critter sound and targeted shot frm

    I did it, thanks :D Only thing, is my first msg line starts at 2029, instead of 2050. And my proto is number 491... There must be something different from protos. I also managed to save my proto, I had a folder on read only :oops: .... My bot is still silent, but I'm sure in the end I'll...
  9. S

    New critter sound and targeted shot frm

    I'm testing my new robot in the mapper: I noticed it does not make any sound when moving, unlike the original ones. The critter proto in the mapper has no sound option, and apparently there's no such thing in the proto itself... At least judging from Smackrazor's modding guide. Is it hardcoded...
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    Critter frames offsets (solved?!?)

    I'm working on a new critter, and I already managed to put together a few test animations. The point is the offset of the very first frame in a given chain: following frames DO NOT get properly aligned. As far as I can understand the reason lies in the different frame size. I make renders of...
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    Current EPA Project

    Yes, multiple script recipients sharing the same script are destroyed at the same time. Items not stacking? that's odd... I made several new items and they all stack, including weapons/generic items and so on... I don't know why, but they should. Are those items all defined in a header? See you.
  12. S

    Current EPA Project

    Hi everybody. Chris Parks, the following pieces of code simply are copies of the code in the original game. First of all you define what you need the critter to do. I put the following define in my town header. I'm sure that any header will do, simply include it in all the critters and map...
  13. S

    Current EPA Project

    A few people (including me) already tried to have a critter attack another one using PIDs: it always crashes both the mapper and the game. Use a pointer instead. Export it from the map script and import it in the creatures ones. See the timed event mechanics, it works somewhat like that...
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    How do NPC reactions work in Fallout?

    Hi there, Davaris. Please have a look at MODREACT.H (it is shipped with the original mapper), you'll probably be able to make out what you need. I never heard of a real formula here on the forum. If it's what you really, really need then you'll have to wait for a real programmer, or someone who...
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    MVAR problem

    Oh. Got it, Jargo. See you.
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    Value vs. Reference problem

    Err... Yossarian, I couldn't actually understand what your problem is... Are you asking for scripting theory clarification, or actually you have a problem with your script? If so, please also post the other procedures involved in the moving process. See you.
  17. S

    MVAR problem

    Hi Yossarian. You have to include your 23rd.H in the map script as well. In order to have MVARs work the .H must be present in both the map and critter scripts. I found no mistakes in your .H and .GAM, so this should be the only trouble. As a side note in the original headers MVAR number zero...
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    Graphic drawing and camera problems

    Hi there Ixin and Chris Parks.. A): You'll notice that those wall sections are aligned with floor tiles. In order to have them align correctly with doors, you must make sure you build the wall close to the "north" side of the tile row. If you build the wall close to the south side, then walls...
  19. S

    Hex numbering in Mapper

    Have a critter follow dude, or move to a given hex are different things, but you might be right nonetheless. The critter will stay on the new spot in game, and of course it will be on its starting spot in the mapper, becouse it does not saves maps when you exit them. See you.
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    Hex numbering in Mapper

    Hi there. animate_run_to_tile(19721); is correct, I really don't know if it works properly in a Node. I'd make something like: procedure map_update_p_proc begin if_given_condition then begin animate_run_to_tile(19721); end end This will also ensure that your critter will...