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  1. R

    Character-less PCs

    So, controlling a (predefined) lifeless character who has less than a handful of (predefined) possible solutions for every single (predefined) problem he may encounter is called role-playing, but controlling a responsive and reactive character who shows an occasional sign of emotion in his...
  2. R

    Character-less PCs

    Ok, let's put it this way: you call it emotional cues, I call it realistic character behavior. First-person view may be a whole different kind of thing, but when you can always observe your character from a third-person perspective, the emotional state of this avatar becomes as much of an...
  3. R

    Character-less PCs

    Well, make it "the outcome of your actions isn't reflected in the characters' dialogues and their emotional responses." I mean, take a close look at GTA's Nico Bellic. "Predefined" or not, I'll play him over Fallout 3's emotionlessly generic what-his-name any time of day. What does an insipid...
  4. R

    Character-less PCs

    Er, I think you misunderstand his point, that the outcome of your actions isn't reflected in the characters' dialogues.
  5. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #100

    Yeah, you're our regular Energizer Bunny. One hooray for attaining worthless goals but no party for including reviews with ö's and å's.
  6. R

    Fallout 3 hate backlash

    :shock: BN? Happy New Year. 4too, I don't know what the hell you're saying, so let's just say your apology is accepted. ;)
  7. R

    Fallout 3 hate backlash

    Time to take another field trip to that medicine cabinet, don't you think?
  8. R

    Fallout 3 1.1 patch for PC and Xbox 360, plus Anchorage date

    Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity... Other, old-gen companies may as well still call it a mere "update" or "patch", but when I think BethSoft, I think "complimentary functionality enhancing solutions", preferably with the word "premium" being mentioned somewhere along the...
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    Fallout 3 hate backlash

    Another second-rate game "critic" who happens to admire the mind-boggling awesomeness of Fallout 3? How original and newsworthy. ...
  10. R

    A critic doesn't like Fallout 3 that much

    A maverick, no less. :roll:
  11. R

    Afterfall Goes Console

    :facepalm: The term "console kiddie" comes from the fact that the average age of a console gamer used to be considerably lower than that of a game-playing PC user. Moreover, while the difference in age demographics may be a bit less pronounced today, it is still there and it is still quite...
  12. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #95

    You go, girl.
  13. R

    Are games art? Well, Fallout 3 is getting there

    I'm a bit busy to reply in full, so here's the short version: according by the most acceptable definition of the term "art", the medium of games is indisputably just as artistic as photography, literature, music, cinematography, sculpture, or any other known form of creative expression known to...
  14. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #94

    It took you 94 round-ups to figure that one out? Tsk-tsk. ;)
  15. R

    Jeff Gardiner and Anchorage screenshots

    Dude! Being a devout fan of Bethesda's imaginative style that I am, I think a mere "tactical simulation" doesn't simply hold the appropriate level of brainwashing awesomeness and epicness necessary to satisfy my fastidious taste. It better be kind of simulation that "no one ever enters and no...
  16. R

    Are games art? Well, Fallout 3 is getting there

    Art is a conscious expression of imagination or skill that has some aesthetic, reflective or emotional values in it. Are games art? Of course they are. It may have been a valid question fifteen or twenty years ago ("Are Pac-Man and Space Invaders works of art?", they asked unsurely), but today I...
  17. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #93

  18. R

    Bethesda Vs. Black Isle: Sex, Brats, And Addiction With all due respect, I wouldn't exactly call it a literary masterpiece.
  19. R

    Bethesda Vs. Black Isle: Sex, Brats, And Addiction

    I may dislike the sheer stupidity of Fallout 3 with a burning passion, but I can't deny the fact that most RPGs I played in the early 90s had far inferior writing (notice I don't say game mechanics... or graphics...) The reason? The gaming industry only started paying attention and hiring actual...
  20. R

    Bethesda Vs. Black Isle: Sex, Brats, And Addiction

    Hey, Shakespeare, let's not generalize my entire argument and put things way, way out of the context, ok? Obviously, I'm not talking about writing and humor from some global evolutionary perspective. I'm using them in the context of the history of video gaming, where the role of compelling and...