Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

From the official site:<blockquote>It is our pleasure to inform all of our fans, that gossips about Afterfall console releasing are 100% true. Officially there will be an Afterfall conversion for next gen consoles, which will see the day light in more less the same time as PC. The word "conversion" was not used by an accident, because this is what the Afterfall console version will be - direct port from PC. So we would like to calm down all exacting gamers, that this movement won't cause any "cuts" in story or in graphic - we're still making pure cRPG.
However two things will change. First, console conversion give us opportunity to reach gamers which don't have appropriate PCs to have fun with the game, and by so to enlarge group of recipients. Second is the game control. In console version you will of course explore the world with pad, however PC player will have choice between standard keyboard+mouse control and pad.</blockquote>
However two things will change. First, console conversion give us opportunity to reach gamers which don't have appropriate PCs to have fun with the game, and by so to enlarge group of recipients. Second is the game control. In console version you will of course explore the world with pad, however PC player will have choice between standard keyboard+mouse control and pad.</blockquote>