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  1. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #14

    As I said before, I'm not that big of a Fallout I/II expert to construe or cite the canon. But even I can come up with dozens of examples that can illustrate the point I was trying to make. The overabundant and entirely inappropriate use of nuclear weapons, particularly in close range encounters...
  2. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #14

    One of "some liberties" taken by FO:T? World War II era weaponry. One of "some liberties" taken by F3? Decapitation by a stuffed toy. Yeah, I can see the parallel. Also, from a rather dispassionate perspective, Fallout 2 must be considered to be a part of the canon unless it directly...
  3. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #14

    After teddy bear weaponry, killer bees, nuclear catapults, toilet drinking, radiation spells, bloodbag deathshots, inadequate graphics, laughable AI, dozens of severe inconsistencies and illogicalities, and everything else we know about Fallout 3, do you people really want to nitpick the...
  4. R

    OXM outtakes hit blog

    Ixyroth, of course, is right. The whole Radiant AI hype was little more than a basic marketing trick. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006), from feature list: This groundbreaking AI system gives Oblivion’s characters full 24/7 schedules and the ability to make their own choices based on...
  5. R

    OXM outtakes hit blog

    “Oh god, don’t find me, please don’t find me..” -Stop! Thief! -How dare you steal from me! -Stop! Thief! -How dare you steal from me! -Stop! Thief! -How dare you steal from me! <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"...
  6. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #13

    I started answering that. I recalled the criticisms of the $1.99 horse armor mod. I began explaining how the availability of vastly superior and, more importantly, free content would affect the sales. I went on with something else... and then I recalled the reasoning behind some of your earlier...
  7. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #13

    I have no problem believing that somebody could easily traverse Oblivion without the use of the compass. 16 square miles may sound good and impressive for some (not for ones who saw those 15,000 sq.mi. ads for Dark and Light though), but was actually a rather small area that was nearly...
  8. R

    Game reactor interviews Todd Howard

    It's been my experience that Bethesda utilizes a strange definition of the word "town". Where most people use it as a substitute for "densely populated area of considerable extent", BethSoft uses its rather ancient jRPG connotation best defined as "a small number of largely uninhabitable...
  9. R

    Game reactor interviews Todd Howard

    I have to admit, I also fail to see any benefit in hiding the most basic rpg elements of a supposedly role-playing title. Unless somebody can explain to me how showing off a single conversation with a non-essential NPC would hurt the game's sales, I say their decision not to talk about it has...
  10. R

    Ripten interviews Pete Hines

    Beards and fedoras, eh? I don't know about you, but I'm gonna roll a post-apocalyptic rabbi.
  11. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #12

    I have a feeling I've seen this before. Oh, right...
  12. R

    PC Gameplay Benelux Fallout 3 preview

    Another morally ambiguous dilemma? I'm perplexed. :roll:
  13. R

    Fallout 3 DLCs to offer KoN-level content

    It didn't. The Xbox 360 DLC is called Bring Down the Sky and I believe it still hasn't been released for PC.
  14. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #12

    Mantes. Mantises is acceptable as well.
  15. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #12

    Shooting a bee with a teddy bear? There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I believe I saw something like that when I caught a glimpse of Teletubbies in my nephew's TV. Oh. Crap. I hope Howard doesn't read NMA. Otherwise...
  16. R

    More European hands-on previews

    I would, but I have better things in life than educating you on the subject of game production cycles. I hope you wouldn't mind if I let this one pass unanswered and leave whatever dreamy expectations you may have about F3 intact.
  17. R

    More European hands-on previews

    Jesuit, and you said you were in software development? If the game gets publicly released within the next 2 to 3 months, it means it'll get internally finished much sooner than that. With this time frame in mind, we're realistically looking at the final stages of beta testing (major bug...
  18. R

    More European hands-on previews

    Don't troll by playing dumb, please. It's unlikely that he didn't encounter any verbal communication while spending those mandatory 30 minutes with the game. Radio chatter, quest journal, item/skill/perk descriptions, NPC remarks, etc, etc. Probably more than enough to form a preliminary opinion...