We could have waited and done an interview round-up. This time, Scandinavian Game reactor puts up an E3 video interview with Todd, who seems a little spooked especially after this exchange:<blockquote>GR: I found it's not easy to trust the people who are in [Megaton].
Todd: Why, what happened?
GR: Well, I think they lied to me.
Todd: ... Who's that?
GR: I don't know, that guy called Moriarty.
Todd: Yeah, don't talk to him.
GR: But it's hard to advance the game if I don't.
Todd: You're not supposed to talk about that, it's off limits.</blockquote>They also talk about things the reporter had not been asked to keep quiet about, like the combat system:<blockquote>GR: How do you see people playing it? You can play it in real-time, of course, and then it's just like a normal shooter. Do you feel that that is a problem for you guys, that you want to steer people into playing it more like a role-playing game? How do you feel about that?
Todd: I think even when you're doing it in real time, the role-playing is there, because you have accuracy that affects from your stats how much damage you're doing. We want the game to make sure it plays well both ways, and then the player can decide for himself which way he wants to take, and we found most people, it's about 50/50, real-time versus V.A.T.S.</blockquote>About the humour in the game, Todd says there'll be one-liners worth quoting around the lunch table.
Thanks to Anani Masu.
Todd: Why, what happened?
GR: Well, I think they lied to me.
Todd: ... Who's that?
GR: I don't know, that guy called Moriarty.
Todd: Yeah, don't talk to him.
GR: But it's hard to advance the game if I don't.
Todd: You're not supposed to talk about that, it's off limits.</blockquote>They also talk about things the reporter had not been asked to keep quiet about, like the combat system:<blockquote>GR: How do you see people playing it? You can play it in real-time, of course, and then it's just like a normal shooter. Do you feel that that is a problem for you guys, that you want to steer people into playing it more like a role-playing game? How do you feel about that?
Todd: I think even when you're doing it in real time, the role-playing is there, because you have accuracy that affects from your stats how much damage you're doing. We want the game to make sure it plays well both ways, and then the player can decide for himself which way he wants to take, and we found most people, it's about 50/50, real-time versus V.A.T.S.</blockquote>About the humour in the game, Todd says there'll be one-liners worth quoting around the lunch table.
Thanks to Anani Masu.