It Wandered In From the Wastes

whirlingdervish said:You guys seem to be forgetting that not everything that was in FO2 is considered canon, or even practicle and applicable to the Fallout world.
The wakizashi was yet another in the long line of out of period/atmosphere weapons that they stuffed in to give FO2 more options.
Like the fn fal, and the h&k g11, they were fun to use and powerful compared to soe of the more generic ones but they break the completely different timeline based on the 50s that Fallout had.
Fallout 2 had talking deathclaws, but if they show up in Fallout 3, I'm gonna be pissed.
And yet, I enjoyed Fallout 2. My primary point being that if wakizashi blades didn't ruin fallout 2 for me I doubt katana blades handled in a similar matter will put a dent on my enjoyment of Fallout 3.
Canon is also a slippery topic but I think the baseline for canon is that things that end up in a released sequel and aren't obviously a joke are canon. The wakizashi blades were part of a somewhat common random encounter around New Reno, and I think that makes them canon, though Ausir will know better than me.
Was it a tad absurd anyway? Yep.
Did I want it to happen again? not really.
Is it gonna put a damper on the game world for me? not unless they show up everywhere.
EDIT: Also, I'm fairly certain they've said that talking deathclaws are out.