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  1. S

    Fallout wishlist - Microsoft edition

    So I know a lot of people thought the Fallout franchise had no future, making this section pointless, but now there is at least a faint hope we will get at least another decent title. Therefore I ask what would you like to see in a plausible future installment of the series made by Obsidian...
  2. S

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    I would like either a remake of Fallout New Vegas with improves Vegas/Legion or a new spin-off, perhaps set in New Orleans or Texas. Revisiting the Midwest could be another possibility. Though I really wished they were allowed to make the main series games, while letting Bethesda handle spin...
  3. S

    To buy or not to buy?

    I trust the opinions of this forum, so I would like to know if you think the game is worth it. PS: is the endgame balanced? And what about guns? Just Assault rifles and Sniper or shotguns and Heavy weapons got good as well?
  4. S

    What if the Water Chip never broke?

    Uhm why do they have to be corrupted though? We know little about China in the Fallout world, except that they were a technologically advanced super-power
  5. S

    What if the Water Chip never broke?

    Chinese communist party survives the war. Unlike the Enclave they have no genocidal plan and don't get wiped out. China rebuilds faster thanks to Hidden pre war assets. New China invades the NCR? I know a lot of people don't want the Old World involved, but what about something like this?
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    Your ideas for factions?

    Yeah, I guess you could segue it's a new form of religioussness. American Gods does a great job of portraying this concept.
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    A perfect Fallout game - by MATN

    Haven't watched all of the video, but he makes a few fair points.
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    Your ideas for factions?

    The Brotherhood of Steel is pseudoreligious I'd say
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    Your ideas for factions?

    In Fallout 3 there is a church in Rivet City
  10. S

    New ideas for mutants (human and animals)?

    Oh yeah forgot about that. I don't play 76 and I'm rather detached from its...whatever really. No idea what's exactly the lore behind this creature (which I assume is basically a Fallout dragon), but I don't think it should disqualify further experimentations with flying creatures.
  11. S

    New ideas for mutants (human and animals)?

    I Wish there was some kind of flying threat either mutant or robotic. Even an Hybrid could do. Maybe water creatures as well if we get to explore another swampy region (or lakes or other bodies of water). Moving by boat and fending creatures during the Voyage would make for a very original...
  12. S

    Where would you want to live in the Classic Fallout games?

    Oil Rig before it gets nuked. All the pre war luxuries affordable by a bunch of powerful pricks to their post-apocalyptic descendants. Plus no raiders/radiations/horribly mutated creatures. Edit: of course it's implied I'm one of them.
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    Fallout TV show in development

    According to some rumors the setting is probably going to be Fallout 3 area, though it's unclear whether it's going to follow the same storyline or pick up one of its own. Take it with a pinch of salt however.
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    Fallout TV show in development

    Show will be about the struggles of a man looking for enough junk to build his settlement, in and endless series of repetitive kill-loot-fetch quests.
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    Amazon is producing a Fallout TV series

    It seems there is going to be a partnership between Amazon and Bethesda. Westworld's creators are going to be the makers, with Tod as executive producer. Well who knows, if Todd doesn't screw this up it could turn out to be interesting...unless they rape the lore, of course. Bet they are gonna...
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    Birthday boy

    Tomorrow, on the 25th of June 2020, Mister House will be born. Ok that's it
  17. S

    Should the Big Guns skill exist?

    Yeah, this thread really made me want to have more dual ability weapons. I'll add it to my Fallout wishlist
  18. S

    Features of a Dream Fallout Game

    I mostly agree with your points, however I don't think there should be mechanics against savescumming as everybody should be free to play the game as they wish. Also survival needs should probably be part of the base game (drinking, eating, sleeping) as it would add a layer of depth to the game...
  19. S

    What Will Fallout 76's Failures Mean for Fallout 5?

    While there are people still playing the game it's quite clear that it wasn't a commerciale hit especially compared to its predecessors. Actually it' been a huge PR flop, which has made even the most fervent zealots wary of Bethesda's behaviour. Future mistakes of this size could damage the...