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  1. P

    Even Canada hates us...

    I used to be an optimist. I bought U8, told myself U9 would be better again and bought that... Like I said, I used to be an optimist. Not anymore. Somehow I can't convince myself this trend will reverse, slow, or even that any part of the mainstream community will catch onto it. We'll keep...
  2. P


    You mean when the rover was attacked? It was an action shot, didn't you learn anything from Braveheart? The best action shots come from shaking the camera so fast no one has any idea what's going on. But yeah, that teaser doesn't give anybody any damn idea of what the movie will be like...
  3. P

    The Forests in Oblivion, The Wastes in Fallout

    Comparing two pieces of shit together never really establishes anything. They may have learned a few lessons here and there (which I'm saying to be gracious, since I can't think of a damn mistake from Morrowind they didn't make in Oblivion, save the damn cliff racers), but they failed in so many...
  4. P

    Capitalism At Its Best

    Meh, he's been like this since he got married. He's too busy being ruled by Melissa Gates to rule the world. Not that it's a bad thing, it's good to see that money going somewhere useful.
  5. P


    Ok, c'mon, it's the XBox line, they've always made everything larger than nessessary.
  6. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    The Evil That Men Do - Iron Maiden
  7. P

    The NSA

    He's got the standard U.S. pins on the lapels of his service jacket. Not sure if you were being sarcastic. Nitpick: One pocket is higher than the other, that aside, damn good picture.
  8. P

    Todd Howard questionnaire at Next-Gen

    Is that anything like "By gamers, for gamers"? Think I heard that one before. :shock: Holy shit! Rosh sighting!
  9. P

    The Australian-Anuran War...

    Though I know it's not what is going to happen, the image of Australian soldiers stalking through suger cane fields in four-man formations shooting frogs with their rifles keeps popping in my head.
  10. P

    Only in America

    Congress has been beating on video games for awhile now. This new attack on them doesn't suprise me at all.
  11. P

    Supreme Court overrules Bush

    Odd you'd say that, the germans have always treated me exceptionally well making it one of my three favorite places to visit in Europe. In either case, it's good to see some parts of the government taking a stand against Bush.
  12. P

    "The Vault Dweller" Representation -Yes or No?-

    Dear god, no. And even more Sailor Bacons and even some abberations like this. What Alec wrote was goddamned hilarious, though only true to 80% of the cosplayers. (Yeah, I'm being gracious there, if there is another 20%, I've never seen them.)
  13. P

    "The Vault Dweller" Representation -Yes or No?-

    Meh, I don't see how it's terribly different from a costume party in practice, the attitude seems different though, so I can't say. Just as long as you've a level head and don't actually pretend to be who you're dressed as, I don't see an issue. Sure, it's dorky, but so were video games back...
  14. P

    The one Vault.

    While I'm fairly sure they'll need to hit the machine shop in order to repair the generator anyway, I'm going to say the generator room first so they can assess what they'll need to get it running. With luck, they may not need anything. So B it is. P.S. Good to have you back, damn good...
  15. P

    US gets a challenge

    Not true, in open terrain and a rough climate like that, it offers their infantry another way to move troops besides APCs while offering their unit more flexibility to manuever than an APC will. Our special forces use dirt bikes and ATVs from time to time to accomplish the same thing.
  16. P

    "The Vault Dweller" Representation -Yes or No?-

    If that's what you feel you want to do, go for it. I personally don't like cosplay, but if it's your thing, go for it. You'd have to post a picture though before I could honestly say whether I think you're too big for it. And if you're going as vault-dweller, please be the male one. You didn't...
  17. P

    Israel is pissed off.

    Another? When'd the first one end? Edit: Murdoch, ya broke the quote box.
  18. P

    Fallout in the top 3 rpgs on!

    They've got Dues Ex there too. Apparently cross-genre games count under both genres, rather than their true ones. Dues Ex: FPS with a few RPG elements = FPS Warcraft3: RT Strat with very minor RPG elements : RT Strat Leave them off the goddamn RPG list. Black and White made the list...
  19. P

    Smoking marijuana, does not lead to lung cancer!

    Mmmm... booze-reek clothing. Makes for a wonderful way to impress the boss. Expecially when your job is all driving like mine. On that, anyone else have a job that drug tests often?
  20. P

    Gone with the Blastwave... what, again?

    And when it's that popular after only 18 updates and dispite more than one huge hiatus.