thefatness said:
Yes, blasting my posts away all right, blasting them with useless, biased answers that could not be backed up by ANY information except for your own biased thoughts about how much the guys making Fallout 3 are "so dumb" and "can't make a game"
some people have been fucked over too many times to be a cheerful optimist.
you say we have no reason to be pessimistic? we say you have absolutely no reason to be optimistic.
as for what exactly our arguments are? we've discussed those enough already, but fine, i'll humor you & give you a glimpse...
thefatness said:
When in actuality you have no reason to hate fallout 3, but should be thankful that someone is actually making it and that you idiots actually have something to bitch and complain about other than fallout 1, 2, Tactics and BOS.
you might want to refrain from calling us idiots on our own turf. rather go to the quarter to three forum & join the flock (but dont forget to check your brain at the entrance, you wont need it there).
thefatness said:
I was merely saying that Fallout 3 will probably have some kind of randomized areas in it and that they could help make the game more fun than you people think it will be.
Fallout is a location-based game. traveling from those locations is long, dangerous & painful. encounters during this traveling are relatively randomised within certain parameters.
however, when you say randomized areas in relation to The Empty Scrolls: Oblivious, we think of endless amounts of the same dungeons over & over. no matter what enemy type they put inthere, no matter what bling bling artifacts you put inthere, it always feels exactly the same.
this is something we dont want & certainly dont need in FO3. do you really want to raid 200 'randomized' raider dens to get ze bling bling lewtz? i dont. FO is no dungeoncrawler.
thefatness said:
Has anyone here seen the Oblivion trailer? It talks a lot about the technology they developed for it, like how they went and studied at a geology lab for a while just to make those forests look and feel real.
as pointed out before, this is wasted time (if they even really did take a field trip to a geology lab, which i doubt). what you do instead is find high res pictures of a forest you want to emulate & you study that. for the soil you give the work to a skilled leveldesigner. what did the 'realistic' soil-crap give to Oblivion? nothing. it just made weapons & corpses tumble all the way down a hill. getting your loot was just a waste of time.
the time you save by using pictures & a designer, you use for things that actually matter: gameplay, immersion, content.
thefatness said:
I think this is what they will do in Fallout for all the random encounters (if there will be any depending if it's FPS or not) like decaying buildings, rubble and just plain cool environments.
maybe you didnt notice, but just mentioning that FO3 could be 'FPS' is stabbing everyone on this forum straight in the heart.
and yes, everyone wants cool random encounters & setting. but sadly, beth hasnt showed us any of those yet really. what use is a nice forest to walk in if you dont have any worthwhile content or gameplay?
thefatness said:
I also think that radiant AI idea isn't that bad at all for Fallout(better than them just standing around all day), it may even make it better(imagine Fallout 1/2 with radiant AI on NPC's).
ah, radiant ai.
the most overhyped AI in the history of the game industry. (and thats saying a lot)
so, what do we've got here?
- NPC's you need to escort walk straight into traps. no wait, not walk. they RUN straight for it. (cant help to think of the Martyr's hysterical laughter in Dark Reign 1)
- Imperial Forrester NPC's doing some bow practise on a target 5 meter away & hits once & misses 14 times. yup, no wonder these morons cant defend against an invasion.
- 2 NPC's hunting for the same deer, one hits the other by accident. they fight eachother SAVAGELY until they reach a certain disengage timer or kill eachother before the timer expires. if they survive, they walk away as best friends.
- guards murdering random NPC's (well not exactly murdering, they just faint anyway, who cares)
- guards with X-ray vision, capable of seeing through stone walls & able to see exactly which gear is stolen.
- when you kill someone & take their gear, you have to pay a fine but keep the gear. if you steal from someone, you loose the gear have to pay a fine.
- killing an imperial trooper costs you 1050G, after which you get released. must be nice for the guards to know their life is worth 1050G to the governement, but no further sentence. what is this? the US? money buys you out of everything, how nice...
sure, in FO you could rob most houses of irrelevant NPC's blind without them reacting, but i'd prefer that over zomg X-ray vision & psychic medium guards.
and really, scripted timebased routines have been around forever, dont say radiant ai is much better than that, it really isnt.
thefatness said:
Anyways, Fallout 3 will probably have plenty to explore,
zomg? exploration in a FO game? never!
good catch, einstein...
thefatness said:
but either way Fallout 3 is going to be Fallout 3 and Bethesda's going to make it.
o rly?
you dont say...
does that mean we have to buy the vaseline & let good ol' Todd pick up the ass on us?
thefatness, good doggy, roll over & play dead...
thefatness said:
Well, on the bright side Bethesda might learn from their mistakes in Oblivion, and not make Falout 3 nearly as glitchy(which is good for us fallout fans Very Happy). It's not like they're making an exact copy of Oblivion, which means it may be ...better?... than Oblivion...
You have to admit, Oblivion is a lot better game than Morrowind was(except story maybe).
Beth has a longlasting history of ignoring the obvious & not learning from mistakes.
and honnestly, i'd rather take a buggy game with content than an empty shiny shell.