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  1. O

    Old World Blues speculation

    Here's some speculation... where on the map do you guys think will be the access point to the Old World Blues DLC? We know all the others: 1. Dead Money = Abandoned BoS Bumker 2. Honest Hearts = Northern Passage 3. Old World Blues = ??? 4. Lonesome Road = Canyon Wreckage* Maybe the...
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    Melee Builds... Extremely Powerful

    sorry for the double post... posting from my PS3 and it limits post length. note 2: if the vendor does not have 2 of the same weapon, like vendortron, you can sell him a poorly conditioned copy of something he already has then do the glitch. note3: it doesn't work on some weapons, but it does...
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    Melee Builds... Extremely Powerful

    The money glitch i was talking about is not fixed in any patch, so you dont have to remove updates from your HDD. Go to any vendor in the game and look in their inventory for 2 of the same weapon, but with different condition levels. For example, a sawed-off shotgun for 168 caps and another...
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    Old World Blues speculation

    It's Centrifugal Inertia and Angular Momentum.
  5. O

    Alternatives for first part of the game, anyone?

    The best part about that is just talking to Jessup in Boulder City gives you enough exp. to raise your speech to 45, thereby allowing you to pass the speech check to make them leave Boulder City peacefully.... which allows you to finish that quest easily, and getting another level up. So you go...
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    Honest Hearts out on PS3 in Europe too

    When did the PSN store go back online in europe? 2 or 3 days ago? I'm surprised there was any kind of backlog problem with HH. But at least you didn't have to wait a week. This might be a bit off-topic, but that shit pissed me off. First it was supposedly going to come back on May 24th...
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    Honest Hearts out on PS3 in Europe too

    Honest Hearts was available the same day the PSN Store was back up, in the US; so it should be the same for Europe.
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    Cazadors- your thoughts?

    This may be true for standard ammo, but I only use Holow Point Ammo for the RS. I actually won't even pick up .45-70 ammo if I find it. And I make sure there is none in my inventory, that way the RS automatically is equipped with HP ammo. Against unarmored opponents (most importantly...
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    Cazadors- your thoughts?

    Pushy is pretty awesome. I usually don't use it because i am almost always a gun-focused player, but if I have Veronica in my party, I give it to her and she fucks some shit up with it!
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    Cazadors- your thoughts?

    lol, yeah... or just use Pushy.
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    Cazadors- your thoughts?

    If you want an exciting fight with Lanius, bring a 10 mm SMG and about 300 bullets!
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    Cazadors- your thoughts?

    True, but I play in 3rd person 90% of the time. Use VATS 90% of the time, and use melee fairly often. And with all the RPG characteristics, and dialogue, I never feel like I am playing an FPS.
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    Cazadors- your thoughts?

    It's just a joke. lol. Furthermore, my newest character only has 45 in guns, and he uses the Ranger Sequioa very effectively. I don't know what the drawbacks are, but he can take out a cazador with 2 hollow point bullets -- that's ok for me. I know that with 80+ in guns the RS will take...
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    Honest Hearts Question

    I had the same issue; I used every extra 12.7 SMG and Shishkebab I found to repair the ones I already had until I had 3 fully repaired clones of each weapon. Plus the extra armor and unique weapons I picked up along the way, brought me up to 275 out of 280 pounds that I could carry, by the time...
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    Honest Hearts Question

    That could be the case... I just picked it up late last night, and have not tested it out yet. If that's true about it always being critical, then I definitely need to get the better criticals perk before I walk into a cave full of deathclaws. The unpatched version saved my ass too many times...
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    Cazadors- your thoughts?

    Good luck talking your way out of a cazador attack! Here is your speech options when talking to a cazador: ----------------------------- [survival 95] buzzzz bzzzz buzzzzzz bzz (please don't attack me) [speech 75] Can't you see the error in your violent ways? [unarmed 100] Hulk...
  17. O

    Honest Hearts Question

    All vendors re-stock on every Wednesday and Sunday (trust me, i have thoroughly tested this) but sometimes there is very little change in inventory after a restock. note: all my testing was done before I patched my game, so maybe they changed it. My game was unpatched until last thursday...
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    Honest Hearts Question

    ah,,, good. Thanks!
  19. O

    Hardcore Run

    I liked the realism of having to sleep, eat, and drink water; but i did not like the fact that ammo had weight, or that stim-packs heal over time. I wish they had a "survivalist" mode where you had to eat, drink, and sleep, but still had normal healing abilities with stim-packs and no weight...
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    Honest Hearts Question

    damn, my work computer blocks that site! :cry: And yes, i am at work on a Saturday :cry: On top of that, i did something kinda stupid and was wondering if anybody can help. So, I get back from Zion with all the stuff they give you, plus a .45 pistol with a modified slide and a silencer...