Honest Hearts out on PS3 in Europe too

Just in time for Old World Blues... well unless that gets delayed on the PS3 as well. Well third times the charm.
outofthegamer said:
Honest Hearts was available the same day the PSN Store was back up, in the US; so it should be the same for Europe.

And yet it wasn't. It's up now, it wasn't before. Blame the backlog.
Brother None said:
And yet it wasn't. It's up now, it wasn't before. Blame the backlog.
When did the PSN store go back online in europe? 2 or 3 days ago?

I'm surprised there was any kind of backlog problem with HH. But at least you didn't have to wait a week. This might be a bit off-topic, but that shit pissed me off. First it was supposedly going to come back on May 24th... then they said "by the end of the month"... then the end of the month came and went and still nothing. And then to make Europe and Japan wait even longer...? that's crap.