This ghoul has seen it all

Where do you get The Pushy? I have not found it yet in any playthrough.
Walpknut said:There are some Fire Geckos that attack you no matter if you have the animal Friend Perk or not, for example the ones on the lower levels of Vault 19, and some random ones out in the wild.
outofthegamer said:brfritos said:Ranger Sequoia needs 75 guns skill and 6 ST to be used without any drawbacks.outofthegamer said:[guns 45] Hold still for a second, I need to introduce you to my friend, Ranger Sequioa!
Why the check is lower than the gun requirements?
It's just a joke. lol.
Furthermore, my newest character only has 45 in guns, and he uses the Ranger Sequioa very effectively. I don't know what the drawbacks are, but he can take out a cazador with 2 hollow point bullets -- that's ok for me.
This may be true for standard ammo, but I only use Holow Point Ammo for the RS. I actually won't even pick up .45-70 ammo if I find it. And I make sure there is none in my inventory, that way the RS automatically is equipped with HP ammo.milk ducks said:Honestly, I never bother with the Ranger Sequoia. In my experience, That Gun is the way to go: Compared to That Gun, the Sequoia does more damage per round, but it's AP-cost is higher, it's crit-chance is (much) lower*, its ammo is (much!) rarer, and it's harder to find.
milk ducks said:* For reference, my current character is fairly crit-based. My critical strike chance with That Gun is 70%. If I switched over to the Sequoia, I'd drop down to 46%. That's a pretty huge drop, and it's one of the primary reasons why That Gun out-paces the Sequoia.
milk ducks said:Also, every kill with That Gun nets you an extra shot in VATS, since its AP-cost is less than the bonus granted from Grim Reaper's Sprint. Even if you score more one-shot-kills with the Sequoia, its high AP-cost per shot will still hemorrhage your Action Points over time.
Courier said:Now with Old World Blues there's a perk that makes you immune to poison, meaning cazadores will be as easy to kill as bloatflies.
brfritos said:Courier said:Now with Old World Blues there's a perk that makes you immune to poison, meaning cazadores will be as easy to kill as bloatflies.
Well, HH did this too with spore pods and blood shield, but at least you need to invest some points in a skill, collect the ingredients and craft the damn thing.
It wasn't all hard, let's be honest, but you actually need to work and earn the immunity.
What I'm not liking is that everything is given to the player up start, I don't have to work for almost nothing, I even gainned a clothe that enhance my INT by 1.
I'm fairly in the beginning, exited The Sink and have my first encounter with Lobotomites, but it's a loot fest without reason.
I'm level 22 and it's very easy so far, playing on very hard with Project Nevada mod.
Atomkilla said:outofthegamer said:You can sneak past cazadores with only a 50 in sneak? I did not know that!
I tend to only use the Alien Blaster for Deathclaws and the rare occasion that I want to kill everyone in Caesar's tent. But I agree with your point about having the proper equipment and/or strategy can make a huge difference in this game. That's why I like this game so much and don't ever play regular FPS games.
Well, not really 50, maybe a bit more. Maybe 50 is enough, I'm not sure.
I've never had problems sneaking by them. At a proper distance, that is.
I personally used Blaster only on Lanius, but even then it was kinda dull, just ruining the fight. Poor fella didn't even have the chance to raise that monster sword of his. In the end, I reloaded and played it by the book. It was way more fun, at least.