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    Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts Trailer and Screenshots

    I don't recall MCA ever apologizing for tribals as such. And Van Buren was full of tribals too.
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    Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts Trailer and Screenshots

    Funny how many people think of these as mutually exclusive.
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    New Vegas DLC info follow-up

    Actually, I don't think there was any overlap between FO3 and FNV actors.
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    Fallout and Fallout 3 win in the Smithsonian videogames poll

    I've seen one at Beth forum who actually thought that FO3 was first and was waiting for "Fallout 3 2".
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    Fallout and Fallout 3 win in the Smithsonian videogames poll

    Heh, Wasteland is obviously superior to Bard's Tale.
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    PS3 Trophies for Honest Hearts out

    Achievements out on Steam as well. How much more announced can this DLC be without actually being announced?
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    Fallout: New Vegas Patch 1.3 released for PC

    The Vault already has more detailed patch notes: Work in progress.
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    Fallout: New Vegas Patch 1.3 released for PC

    You need to download the updated GECK for it to work.
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    New Vegas patch on Monday, details

    It's not. A handful of items (Med-X, Slasher and the rebreather) do give you DR in the game, and some creatures and characters have it.
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    Press event hints at possible DLC announcement this week

    Well, they'll probably promote their other titles at the event too, but Honest Hearts gives them an excuse to make one that is more memorable than a typical gaming media event.
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    Press event hints at possible DLC announcement this week

    Well, if not for Honest Hearts, I don't see why they would do a press event in Utah of all places.
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    Honest Hearts screenshots leaked, trailer coming soon?

    Two words: Mothership Zeta.
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    Old World Blues possibly coming in May?

    Looks like it does work with the 1C/Cenega edition, but is in English only.
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    Honest Hearts screenshots leaked, trailer coming soon?

    Possibly Honest Hearts in April after all, and then Old World Blues in May?
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    Old World Blues possibly coming in May?

    Can it be purchased for the 1C/Cenega edition now? Or just for the Bethesda edition via Steam?
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    G4 Best Franchise Fan Vote Competition

    Why? I'd vote for Starcraft over TES any time.
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    G4 Best Franchise Fan Vote Competition

    Not "may be" but must be, I'm afraid.
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    Crysis 2 - console dumbing or awesome game?

    I asked Peter Watts and he replied: It would be nice if more developers involved writers earlier in the development process instead of having them write the story to tack onto a nearly ready game.
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    Crysis 2 - console dumbing or awesome game?

    Spoilers here: [spoiler:02dae178b3] No error there. You see, the suit bonds with the host and has its own consciousness that with time becomes more and more merged with that of the host's, and the host is less and less able to distinguish his own thoughts from that of the suit's, and is...
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    Crysis 2 - console dumbing or awesome game?

    The story for the game was written by a decent science fiction writer - Richard K. Morgan, author of e.g. Altered Carbon. And I liked the novelization by Peter Watts, a Hugo Award-winning author (sure, it was not on par with his other work, but still), who was also consulted on some scientific...