Fallout and Fallout 3 win in the Smithsonian videogames poll


But best title ever!
As you all probably remember the Smithsonian American Art Museum hosted a poll for their Art of Videogames exhibit, in which games that are dear to Fallout fans like Wasteland, and even two installments of the series themselves, Fallout and Fallout 3, were candidates for the respective eras.

Now the results are out and it looks like Fallout and Fallout 3 both won in their categories/eras while, unfortunately, Wasteland didn't make it (losing to The Bard's Tale III).

Thanks Cunningandvalor
I strongly disagree about some choices (Halo 2 before Psychonauts? Mass Effect 2 before Limbo? Ocarina of Time before Paper Mario? The games themselves may or may not be better, but have more unique art styles imo). On the other hand, I am pleased about the Fallouts (yes, 3 also merits a spot), Bioshock, Okami and Shadow of the Colossus. Of course, some games are missing (more recently, I grew a fondness for Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood, very few games, hell, media in general, portray the colorful Renaissance so well)
It's almost as if they used a time machine to go back and change history and we're the only ones who remember the original timeline. So many people refer to F3 as "Fallout"...

Sad face symbol.
cunningandvalor said:
It's almost as if they used a time machine to go back and change history and we're the only ones who remember the original timeline. So many people refer to F3 as "Fallout"...

Sad face symbol.

It's the worst when they call Fallout 3 "the first game" :|
I've seen one at Beth forum who actually thought that FO3 was first and was waiting for "Fallout 3 2".
Khan FurSainty said:
Awww, Fallout is written under Bethesda Softworks. :/

You must've missed the part where they list the devs, and then the current owner of the franchise.
Ausir said:
I've seen one at Beth forum who actually thought that FO3 was first and was waiting for "Fallout 3 2".
I'm going to hope he was trolling and not clinically retarded.
Great to see Fallout 1 and Fallout 3 make it in. Probably my two favourites of the series.
Too bad Fallout 2 and New Vegas aren't on the list. They're my favorites by far, and on my fav games ever list.

But is good to see the series mentioned at all. Though i can't find much reason for the generic and overly done "major city in ruins in a post apocalyptic world" of Fallout 3 to be there. The desert is a setting so much more interesting and less common in this kind of stories.
Damn 2 and Vegas were my favorite they were better. but all of them are good. happy that 1 and 3 made it as well.
The art of the originals Final Fantasy games is much more original (sorry the redundancy) and has a lot more technique and style than the art of the FF games from 7 onwards, why aren't they there?

And what is exactly a "target" game?
I think people are missing the point about the Smithsonian video game exhibit.

It's about the "artwork". It's not a popularity contest as to which game is everyone's favorite. Or which game is better.
Thats why I am saying the original Final Fantasy games should have been the ones chosen and not FF7, the art of the originals is much much original and tecnicaly (as in tecnique) superior.
Ultraviolet said:
It's about the "artwork". It's not a popularity contest as to which game is everyone's favorite. Or which game is better.

If that was the goal they should never have opened it up to a public poll.
Brother None said:
Ultraviolet said:
It's about the "artwork". It's not a popularity contest as to which game is everyone's favorite. Or which game is better.

If that was the goal they should never have opened it up to a public poll.

That thought doesn't change the fact that it's about the artwork.

Besides, it wasn't solely the public's decision. Developers, designers, industry pioneers and journalists selected the games that would be on the ballot and all those people most likely voted on the ballet, voting based on the artwork and not their favorite game.

Walpknut said:
Thats why I am saying the original Final Fantasy games should have been the ones chosen and not FF7, the art of the originals is much much original and tecnicaly (as in tecnique) superior.

But it's in a different era. the original FF isn't competing against FF7. It's competing against other games in it's era or platform.