Honest Hearts screenshots leaked, trailer coming soon?


But best title ever!
Duck and Cover have been able to grab some screenshot of the (supposedly) next Fallout New Vegas DLC, Honest Hearts, directly from the Youtube trailer.

The video has actually already been uploaded on Bethesda's Youtube channel, as spotted by a Bethesda forums user thanks to an email notification, except it's private for now. An announcement coming soon? You can find the link to the video (still private as of this writing) here.

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Thanks The Vault.

Update: It looks like Bethesda deemed the private setting for the video not secure enough after the exposure it gained and removed it altogether.
This. This DLC thing has been a mess.

Nice to see that it's, probably, going to come out soon though.
Hopefully the environment is as expansive as it appears.
I wonder how they will take away our items this time. Big tribal lord taking you hostage? :>

What I can see on the tiny images looks interesting and big / wide. Hope it will be really a wide world and not just a fake show.
Trailer will probably be out really soon.
Looks very nice, and big, from what I can see in the second picture.
Lexx said:
I wonder how they will take away our items this time. Big tribal lord taking you hostage? :>

I wouldn't be 100% sure they take away your items again just because of the fact that the courier is dressed in tribal gear in the trailer. Could just be for scenic effect. That said, considering that all Fallout 3 DLC with the exception of Broken Steel did.. I just hope they don't want to continue this "tradition". It's tiresome.
tunih said:
in the dlc pointlookout didnt you keep all your gear there to?

Uh, you're right, you did. Well, this has tribals like Point Lookout. It also seems like it has an explorable area.


Fear my perfect logic. 8-)

But, seriously, I hope they don't do that again. It made sense (even if I always find it kind of annoying, but it made sense) for Dead Money, but it would feel like a retread in Honest Hearts.
The first Fallout 3 DLCs were pretty meh, but by Broken Steel and Point Lookout the quality had increased significantly simply due to them having more development time.

Two words: Mothership Zeta.
That was just a bad idea from the get-go.

Todd: Guys, we need an awesome scenario to end our Fallout 3 DLC with, something with aliens and explosions and lasers but not so predictable you know?

Crew: So, aliens and explosions guys? "Yeah, that sounds about right".
korindabar said:
Looks like he's whippin' some chick with a belt.

Heh, Wife beater Perk "She really had it coming!"

This perk allows you to beat or hurt your spouse as much as you want without suffering penalties for it, during normal gameplay and during combat.
She will keep claiming that its her own fault and that she deserved it.

Apologies people, I am not anti female, this just lent itself so well to this.

Well, that looks like canibalzied combat armor and he is using a spiked club. Are they gonna release the DLC one after the other now? I hope we get an actual city/town/are with people to explore.
sea said:
That shot of the canyon/desert/whatever looks great, but it's also tiny. Hopefully it's not just a backdrop or CG thing for the trailer.

I may be wrong but the skybox looks the one from vanilla NV and, as far as I remember, they always used only in-game footage for their DLC trailers, so we can hope. Of course, it may just look good because it's incredibly tiny and look blurry and low-poly in the high-resolution version.
The Dutch Ghost said:
korindabar said:
Looks like he's whippin' some chick with a belt.

Heh, Wife beater Perk "She really had it coming!"

This perk allows you to beat or hurt your spouse as much as you want without suffering penalties for it, during normal gameplay and during combat.
She will keep claiming that its her own fault and that she deserved it.

Apologies people, I am not anti female, this just lent itself so well to this.

... +50% damage if she's not in a kitchen?
I don't mind them taking your stuff away. It gives you a chance to utilize all the equipment provided during the DLC. I mean, honestly, would you really wear what looks like tribal armor in the picture when you have T-51b Power armor?
Courier said:
I don't mind them taking your stuff away. It gives you a chance to utilize all the equipment provided during the DLC. I mean, honestly, would you really wear what looks like tribal armor in the picture when you have T-51b Power armor?

Hummm...yes, because Power Armor slows you down.

Most of the time I use light armor, specially after Dead Money and that friggin' overpowered reinforced security armor. :P