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  1. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Cool! Did you find it easy or hard? Late game balance was my major concern in the last days of development. With the right companions and gear, it can be a breeze, but sometimes I got my ass kicked hard. On one hand, I don't take myself as a good FT player, on the other, I knew exactly what's...
  2. Reinar

    Firefly Tactics

    Well I only saw the show and movie, so you're a comic ahead of me, but I have the board game. You don't have to be an FT expert, but knowing the basics would be nice. For example the dialogues are one-sided. You can't have replies. You just click the NPC and read the predefined text. In the base...
  3. Reinar

    Firefly Tactics

    Well, English on at least intermediate level, so that guy can write the dialogues. It's ok to use translator from time to time, but not for whole sentences. Thanks. If it gets going and there's something to test, I'll let you know. It can take years though.
  4. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Yeah, I already fixed that after your previous post. I am thinking whether to publish patch 1.2 with just bug fixes or if I should wait and include new content. But since I am not in a mood for modding these days, I'll probably do the former.
  5. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics damage formula.

    Damage resistance either straight on the entity, or gained by perks (Die Hard, Toughness).
  6. Reinar

    Editeing a level - no entities and tiles.

    Check how did you extract the files, maybe the folders have wrong names or they have wrong hierarchy. The folder structure should be like this: core/tiles (/BOS, /Village etc.) & core/entities (/Actors, /Items etc.). Maybe you ended with core/tiles_0/tiles or something like that. I don't...
  7. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    No need to hide this in a spoiler. Isabel can't use any chemicals. It's noted in her Cyberware perk description. She can be healed only with first aid or food.
  8. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Well, kind of. I merged a portal map (which usually just blinks upon entering a map and sets the player tag) with an actual map. This was my laziness, I confess. I thought it doesn't matter since there's nothing to do on that map, unless you want to trade with the leaving merchant and you really...
  9. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Well that might be it. You encountered the bug with map load erasing player tag, so you couldn't recruit him. You went to base, returned and it worked. Because entering a map gives you the tag. This is the most common bug players encounter in the mod. I find it intriguing that it's so frequent...
  10. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Did you load your game while in the location prior to talking to him? If yes, leave the location and enter again, then talk to him.
  11. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    I tried both saves and when I shoot them and leave, they are still hostile on return. I tried it several times. Once it happened - after leaving and returning they were gray. That was when I set the difficulty to easy, but still it happened only once, so it probably didn't mean anything. Really...
  12. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Yeah, the character's picture doesn't follow the naming rule to allow browsing. I thought that's a non-issue. You either want it and don't change it, or you don't want it and change it. I guess I could have done it differently. That's intentional and you get noticed about it the first time you...
  13. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Oh, come on, starting again just because of this little sidequest? :) By the way, the main missions alone will give you enough XP to get to lvl 7, the maximum level is 8 (maybe it's possible to get to 9 if you pick the perk for more XP, didn't try that actually). If you miss this one, you will...
  14. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    1) The tiles used there are added by the mod, they're not in vanilla FT. Check your Crusade directory, there should be folder tiles, inside that another folder MYTILES and inside that more than 200 tiles, including for example Vault_Floor_Metal_METALplate_F_. 2) I don't exactly know what's a...
  15. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Patch 1.1 is out, fixing a major problem, so get it if you want to play the game.
  16. Reinar

    Firefly Tactics

    Few weeks back, when I was finishing FT: Crusade and watching Battlestar Galactica, I had an idea of moving Fallout Tactics into space. Then I realized the Firefly setting is perfect for this. A lot of planets of different terrain types, mostly arid, which is good considering what tilesets are...
  17. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Alright guys, here is the download link. It's finished. Finally. It's not perfect, it will never be. I just hope I didn't forget to remove some debug trigger or entity or something. I guess there's a patch coming in a few days because I can't imagine the mod is bugfree. I reworked some of the...
  18. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Option 1 is a no go. I want to check for a specific stat number (PC charisma being checked most often) or a stance (for the dialogue). I tried FTSE and it actually erased the tagname from spawned chars. I don't know if it retains tag names of actors if they have the tag assigned in the editor...