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  1. B

    Boast Your Fallout Box's,Also: Localizations Suck (F3 split)

    I have FO 1: The original german box release of FO 1 complete with manual and everything. As everyone knows, the german version of FO 1 sucks, the box is not as nice as the american one but fortunatly the manual is complete like the english one, the only difference is the language but theres...
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    Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans

    They could have given the Vault Dweller hip hop style hanging-under-ass baggypants, that would have made all the kiddy FO fans even more happy :D
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    Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans

    Notice the complete lack of the typical Falloutish visual style. It looks like FO: PoS. Notice how completly forced and out of place the few references to Fallouts original style are. (The Vault Boy for example who appears on some pages)
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    Meet the devs - Meet Todd Howard

    God that was an awful read. The guy manages to write 15 big paragraphs or so, and after reading the only thing I know more about than before are Todds comic book and superhero preferences. Funny how he says how he replayed the game, but he spends the rest of his time talking about various...
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    "Please Stand By"

    Man, I so wish Fallout had this song as intro song. "Maybe" is of course also good, but "I dont want to set the world on fire", this fits just so good :) About the video: The start is super good, but I dont know as soon Adagio for Strings sets in it has a bit too much pathos in it.
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    Glittering gems of hatred, part II

    Kharn, I wouldn't underestimate the value of the FO franchise amongst mainstream gamers. The community (DAC, NMA, ) is only a small part of the masses of players who claim to have played fallout and loved it. An they dont only claim, they honestly did. The problem is: Those people dont...
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    Dogmeat doesnt follow to next map

    Yeah thats it. Thanks. Guess next time Ill have to take him with me when I enter Junktown first.
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    Bethesda and the Star Trek fans

    :liar: Trust us, it will be cool
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    Dogmeat doesnt follow to next map

    I have made Dogmeat following me by wearing a leather jacket, but whenever I enter a new area, be it another part of Junktown or a whole new city/wilderness grid, he isnt there anymore. When I return to Junktown he is still there and he follows me again, but only on this single area where you...
  10. B Fallout should be remastered?

    Fallout has aged rather well, so I don't really see the need for a remake. I played it at the first time in 2005 or so, so I had no nostalgia bonus playing it, and its graphics and interace mechanics were still ok. And those are the two critical things in old games, graphics and interface...
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    What would Tidus do?

    Tidious is a godamn fag, and the article actually didn't point out very much except a glance of "open-endness" vs. "linear" and that Tidious is a gay, which we already knew before. Anyways, JRPGs suck ass.
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. dated to the second

    I dunno, its a shame they stripped it pretty much of all the interesting features promised at the beginning (vehicles, non-linear gameplay in a huge area to explore, eating, sleeping etc.) and turned it into a pretty generic FPS with a half-decent background story. On the other hand, that was...
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    The Fall English language mod

    Anyone already mentioned that the game sucks?
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    Nightkin wont let me pass

    Ok nvm, when I leave the church and return to boneyard and then return to the church the guys are gone. Thanks so much for the help. EDIT: @Silencer: I apologize, I will restrain from making to many new posts in the future. Thanks for the hint.
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    Nightkin wont let me pass

    Oh damnit, now I finnaly realized what going on. Those followers are support troops from the Followers of the apocalypse. I just didnt realize this, I thought these guys belong to the friggin church. WoW, that explains so much. Is there a way to get rid of them? I think they are there...
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    Nightkin wont let me pass

    Thanks Sander, as usual youre very helpful. I looked up Per's guide, but honestly I'm a bit afraid watching into walktroughs because before until I figure out where exactly my problem is described i already get 1 or 2 major or minor spoilers. ("NPCs or the Followers") So by Followers those...
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    Nightkin wont let me pass

    Man, this is so frustrating. I pretty much tried everything, it just won't work. Isn't there anone else who experienced this bug and knows how to solve it? Oh, and can someone tell me why those retardet follower scouts attack their own people when a fight goes on? Is this some spoiler...
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    Nightkin wont let me pass

    Nope no fighting in the cathedral. I even loaded an earlier savegame when I was still in Boneyard, to get rid of my teammates there and put on the robe so when I arrive at the cathedral im already disguisted. Didn't help at all unfortunatly. I would rather not like to fight my way trough...
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    Nightkin wont let me pass

    Alright, I have both this purple robe aswell as the COC badge from lecher. Im trying to get to Morpheus but the Nightkin always attack me. I even thrown out my party members, but the problem remains. Isnt the robe and/or the badge suppossed to ensure that I can pass the nightkins without...
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    The true value of Action points?

    Hi! My character has only an agility of 4 and 7 action points because I wanted to play a talkative character and thus raised charisma nad intelligence to 9 at costs of other skills. Im playing trough fallout for the first time right now.