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  1. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    It's the latest version, yes, but it's not new:
  2. Ardent

    Favorite Music Group/Band etc.

    True North is very good IMHO.
  3. Ardent

    How'd you get your username?

    I thought "two-handed war axe" was a useless word to know (well, technically four words), but then I had my university exam and guess what - everybody got a text about the battle of Hastings to translate and medieval weapon names were featured prominently. All those years of playing Baldur's...
  4. Ardent

    Favorite Music Group/Band etc.

    The Doors Pennywise Queens of the Stone Age The Living End in no particular order. These are the four bands I like every record of (well, scratch the Doors albums they did after Morrison's death).
  5. Ardent

    How'd you get your username?

    Yep, all true. But I didn't really choose the word for its meaning. Of course, if it meant "excrement" or "mediocre mod maker" I probably wouldn't pick it :P
  6. Ardent

    MAC GOG Version of Fallout 2 - HELP!

    Killap's first post in the new RP thread has a link to the RP technical wiki that contains all the information you require.
  7. Ardent

    NMA Studios?

    MR is going strong, despite infrequent updates. I'm confident it will be released one day in its full glory, though I'd hate to pick a release date at this point, as we've made that mistake too many times in the past :P I admit I'm not particularly familiar with TeamX's contributions, save...
  8. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Great, great news and congratulations on the release, Killap and the team! :clap: At last, the final excuse for Pixote not to slave to death on MR is gone, mwahahaha :lol: Seriously though, it feels great to see such a grand project come to a glorious conclusion. Again, congratulations to all...
  9. Ardent

    How'd you get your username?

    Mine is just a word that I thought sounded nice and was easy to pronounce both in English and French (I have accounts on boards in both languages). Oh yeah, and there was this character in Terry Pratchett's book "Thud!" called Ardent and I liked that novel a lot. So yeah, there you go.
  10. Ardent

    NMA Studios?

    I'm with Pixote here. Besides, I suppose when the veteran modders finish their current projects, most of them will probably move on. I know I will. I mean, I will still love Fallout, I'll still play the mods, but I will be making new games, rather than modding the ancient ones. Finally...
  11. Ardent

    Three Dog is Not Returning (For the Time Being)

    I'm pretty sure modders can fix that :P
  12. Ardent

    Chris Avellone talks Wasteland 2 design documents

    Awesome stuff! Thanks for posting!
  13. Ardent

    Megamod feedback - I'm mortified at the sexism

    @lujo: Download sfall modderspack. Use Google if you can't find it here. You're interested in the sfall script editor. It does a very good job at decompiling scripts. It also opens the associated .msg files. FSE is also good, but its setup can be a little unnerving, and the decompiler is...
  14. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Can't wait! :clap: Keep up the great work!
  15. Ardent

    FO2 Mechanics Overhaul Mod

    Sure, but how do I know you're not some uber code-master outside of Fallout modding? You could possess knowledge that comes in handy when modding the game, that I have no idea of. Yeah, it makes sense that it should be stable if everything happens all over again on map entry. Both my systems...
  16. Ardent

    FO2 Mechanics Overhaul Mod

    In fact, we (I) know full well that items have size. It's a stat visible as well in the Mapper, as in Cubik's tool. I'm sure Pixote also knew about it, he just phrased his sentence in a way that could have been confusing. As for some of the other ideas: Timeslip already introduced the...
  17. Ardent

    Idea: Gambling to Deception - possible or not?

    Yeah, Timeslip enabled the editing of skill formulas, so I renamed Speech to Persuasion and remade Gambling into Deception (4xCH + LU IIRC), and replaced Speech checks with Deception checks where applicable. All gambling is now handled with either Luck alone or a mix of Luck and Deception...
  18. Ardent

    sfall script editor

    Or you can just use the correct macro: inc_global_var_amt(gvar_id,value) The command: inc_global_var() increases the specified variable by one.
  19. Ardent

    Changing ammo cost per attack with sfall hook script

    Thanks for taking the time to make it work, Novarain! We'll actually be using that script in MR :)
  20. Ardent

    FO2 mod Mutants Rising: New Year update

    We've got delayed by various RL problems, but hopefully things are picking up pace again. In other words - we don't have any exciting news at this point, as everything new that we started is still in progress. This may not sound optimistic, but we've been through worse. There will be an update...