Three Dog is Not Returning (For the Time Being)

Aw... I wanted to kill him again, I want him as a series regular solely for the purpose of slaughtering him over and over again. Though he should be kept away from any and all radio stations.
Mr Fish said:
Aw... I wanted to kill him again, I want him as a series regular solely for the purpose of slaughtering him over and over again. Though he should be kept away from any and all radio stations.

I'm pretty sure modders can fix that :P
Ardent said:
I'm pretty sure modders can fix that :P

Imagines a future Fallout 4 encounter mod

The Fallout 4 protagonists encounters a caravan at the edge of the map and Tree Dog is part of it.

Tree Dog "Hi there kid, I am Tree Dog, DJ of GNR radio of the Capital Wasteland. You must have heard of me, I fought the good fight with my voice there. Oh and I also stalked a young Vault Dweller, telling people about all the shit he did.
I am on my way now to Boston to set a new GNR station up and fight the good fight again. Hey I could even tell people about what stuff you do, like for example that little town you helped destroy by aiding those slavers.

Your reactions:

1. "Glad to see you here Tree Dog, hope to hear you soon on the radio waves. We need someone to fight the good fight here."
2. "Whatever, I don't give a fuck."
3. [Attack Tree Dog]
... that the game he is providing voice work for is not made by Bethesda. That means the GNR DJ will not be returning in Fallout 4...

Or it could mean that FO4 is secretly being made by another developer instead of Bethesda, just because it wasn't outsourced to Obsidian doesn't mean some other can't get it. In that scenario, he would be voicing FO4 and still not be lying.

Which is not as bad as Beth doing FO4, but still bad because his character sucks.
Well, at least the guy is still getting work. Hate threedog all you want but very little of that is due to the voice actor's fault. I mean he wasn't AMAZING but the writing certainly didn't help him at ALL and that is all on Bethesda.