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  1. K

    Finally playing Fallout1, got a few questions, will add more

    is there a savegame editor to change that? If not, I started a new game ( was only 5 hours in my first save) Are these decent char stats? gifted/bloody mess perks, lockpick, smalll guns FALLOUT VAULT-13 PERSONNEL...
  2. K

    Finally playing Fallout1, got a few questions, will add more

    I played fo1 some time ago (got to shady sands and raiders, but not much further) recently I've regrettably completed fallout3 and am now playing fo1 with the npc and teamx mods How to make fallout (usb stick) portable? there's a pre-modded portable version "out there" but i wanted to...
  3. K

    The Perfect Fallout...

    im not a big fan a static isometric camera (liek in fo1/diablo) i believe there was one isometic game, that lets you rotate the camera.... what was it called? by roated, it basicly means change the orientation of the camera into one of the 4 preset fixed positions, of course
  4. K

    Anyway to change what your sidekick weapon is using ?

    You can switch your NPCs melee weapon rather easily, since most followers dont come with one. QFT I discovered Fawkes and hit level 20 at around the same time. The game just got *extremely* boring from there. To bad you cant make Fawkes wear armor/clothes. I really wanted to see...
  5. K

    Small CRTs are best for Fallout/Fallout 2?

    FO1 Looks great on my 24" CRT blacks ftw
  6. K

    creator of Wasteland working on spiritual successor to FO1&a

    From wikipedia: Surprisingly, I couldnt find this information on these forums
  7. K

    Pic of the day

    By KoHaN69
  8. K

    Bigtown Quest (after)

    Can you tell an ally NPC to wait at bigtown, will the ally protect them? Because [spoiler:3ac16b7b6b]Faulks [/spoiler:3ac16b7b6b] can easily take out 4 mutants.
  9. K

    A genuine, worthy sequel

    Beat me to it! :clap:
  10. K

    I finished Fallout 3, these are my thoughts (Spoiler full)

    You try remembering what you read as a toddler when you have been betrayed by nearly every character you meet and are about to sacrifice your life for an unknown illogical reason. :x If this was fallout1, I'd activate the keypad and it would popup a menu to enter the password. I didn't...
  11. K

    I finished Fallout 3, these are my thoughts (Spoiler full)

    The game looks alright, but animations are garbage, NPC show 0 emotion, weapon aiming is crap, quests are stupid, but why was it so addicting :crazy: And to pour irradiated salt on my unstimpacked wound, he went in WITH me. YES! He went in with me through the airlock, and didn't...
  12. K

    Fallout3 patch problems, any one of you can help!!

    Yeah I noticed an FPS increase ~5 fps when I did that. i of course tried renaming it back, but that probably messed up the CRC
  13. K

    Fallout3 patch problems, any one of you can help!!

    I think it's because I renamed the exe to oblivion.exe and messed up the entire gamez4winblowz authentication
  14. K

    Fallout3 patch problems, any one of you can help!!

    My patch won't install, keeps saying file exist, but contents are different. (what file? what contents?) It seems @ nexus comments im not the only one. Could someone upload the patched Fallout3.exe please?
  15. K

    Being sleepy allowed me to discover...

    also: holding reload holsters your weapon. and holding V scans all enemies, even very far away!
  16. K

    naked mod

    And what sup with sleeping with hookers? no sex mini game? someone fix this now!
  17. K

    facegen import for Fallout 3

    I was wondering about this as well. I'm a narcissistic bastard that likes his character to be as beautiful as myself.
  18. K

    Vista-only games officially broken.

    :clap: Good luck on that. But if anyone is having trouble installing/uninstalling the game i found a very useful site with a gui installer and uninstaller: