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  1. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    New Vegas: Sudden missing meshes?

    Hello, I was wondering if I could get help on this, I have been playing a modded New Vegas for around 60 hours now (savefile time) and I got to Honest Hearts, everything was loaded in fine, I've never had any problems until now, areas were loaded in fine and all that. But at some point, I wanted...
  2. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Cashgrab - Bethesda releases Fallout Legacy Collection

    If the games after 3 don't have all of their DLCs, this collection is worthless if you exclude Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics.
  3. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    A new-found appreciation for Fallout 3

    I wish it were that simple. oh god I'd wish. But it's still canon and the aliens still bombed everything and even if I don't play it, I'll still just go sad whenever I see Fallout 3 boot up.
  4. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    A new-found appreciation for Fallout 3

    Nothing's stopping me, but I can't for the hell of me disregard Mothershit Zeta as comic relief. What's so comical about a bullet-sponge-filled corridor shooter DLC in a RPG GAME (BY THE WAY) with your typical aliens, and not only that it's canon, but it implies aliens set off the nukes, which...
  5. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    A new-found appreciation for Fallout 3

    Fallout 3 has Mothershit Zeta, the most idiotic canon DLC for a modern Fallout game ever. It isn't passed off as The Lone Wanderer dreaming about it (oh god I'd wish.. I would of gave less of a fuck about it then), it actually happens. You get PICKED UP BY ALIENS, and the whole DLC happens in AN...
  6. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Heavily scripted aswell, you take 1 step in any direction and mission failed :|. Red Dead...

    Heavily scripted aswell, you take 1 step in any direction and mission failed :|. Red Dead Online is also a fucking disgrace, I bet GTA: Online is making them quadruple the money Red Dead Online does.
  7. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    My rant on Todd Howard.

    He's a shell of himself, everyone makes fun of him and to be honest, money doesn't buy you happiness. I don't believe Todd Howard is sleeping easy at night knowing nobody will like him as much as other people like Elon Musk or Keanu Reeves, he's a literal meme/stooge. The bad joke every got but...
  8. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    My rant on Todd Howard.

    Not even unironically, the game is a masterpiece and no one should be ashamed of having it as one of their favorites.
  9. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    My rant on Todd Howard.

    Todd has the final say during development and also he's just a greasy little toad of a man whose ego, brittle from years of high school bullying, has overtaken him so he overcompensates with designer jackets, nice shoes, and trying to convince people that he's friends with people who are more...
  10. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    I agree, I finished Morrowind and its DLCs but the combat was horrible, I don't understand how...

    I agree, I finished Morrowind and its DLCs but the combat was horrible, I don't understand how they fucked it up so badly. That's the only downside to it too, apart from that, fantastic game.
  11. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Atleast you're not playing Morrowind.

    Atleast you're not playing Morrowind.
  12. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Got myself into Speedrunning last year, so weird that I got into CoD after all these years of...

    Got myself into Speedrunning last year, so weird that I got into CoD after all these years of hating it, Black Ops 2 is the best imo
  13. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    I actually see a small amount of people liking the NCR nowadays, idk if it's just meme-ing...

    I actually see a small amount of people liking the NCR nowadays, idk if it's just meme-ing around or something.
  14. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    Meanwhile the leader of all these awful decisions is buying the IP itself. Despite its purchase making the sellers get back on track, it led one of the most well-made franchises to go into lore ruin. With the only good result being New Vegas.
  15. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    The entire DLC being non-canon would make me SO much happier but it's not considered as a special encounter. Bethesda made aliens canon, making them take away existing people and just ruin the lore with Log #17 which could also be called The Log of Logic Destruction. And also it's not...
  16. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    "lol" Shows how much you fucking care about this argument Also, uh, happens to look the same? It's a reused model. If it was an alien they'd probably make an alien corpse. But they didn't. They didn't care about some lame-ass fucking easter egg that wasn't even the whole point of the game. Just...
  17. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    >Play RPG game >Buy a DLC for it that has aliens which ruin the canon >Find out it's a linear corridor shooter with just some shiny alien blaster loot that isn't meant for a "RPG" game >Abominations and the glowing aliens are annoying bullet sponges literally splattered everywhere, worse than...
  18. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    Fallout is about wacky shit? You're one of THOSE people. Get out of here. You certainly don't know what the fuck you're talking about and I saw your type before. WacKy ShIt and CoNsPiRaCy with a 1950s FeEL? Did Bethesda's Fallout 3 brainwash you that hard? You probably don't take the games...