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    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Best trailers for best movies
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    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    Put on the power armor? check. Now go grab the minigun and go kill the bad guys. And if I don't wanna grab it and just wanna attack them unarmed, will you still let me Bethesda?
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    Killing Joshua in Den

    Doesn't he carry a 10 mm gun? If, so the bartender in the east side has one too. If you want it so bad you can kill him.
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    Oh look my first PM on NMA! Oh what the f-

    Them mutants are at it again. Need a bigger sign.
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    Russian-Ukrainian war

    Don't put words in my mouth. Where did I tell that people shouldn't be free from the soviet regime? My point was that maybe strict anti-corruption laws in the soviet union and the lack of them after the countries got their independence could've played a role in increased corruption.
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    Russian-Ukrainian war

    Or maybe the lack of it is what actually made them greedy. Once the regime was gone and along with it's death penalty for large-scale theft of state property, those who could take the opportunity, used it. Laws of that kind of sort gotten softer after the collapse, and that made people bolder.
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    Russian-Ukrainian war

    And they never intended to. That simply happened because there was a shortage of everything in those days and along with that came the appreciation of what you got. You sound like, when the soviet union collapsed folks went straight to factories and started stealing everything they could get...
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    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    Wow, you sure do know them hardcore fans so well. Whether it loses the core fanbase is irrelevant as long the sequel get's a new fanbase that's bigger and that's what Fallout 3 succeeded at. So even if it's wrong it doesn't matter. Bethesdas Fallout is the true Fallout now and it won't change...
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    who would play mods if made by Brian Fargo for Fallout3 or NV?

    I didn't play wasteland 2 much, but a lot of what happened in wasteland was explained through interactions with people in the game. You might be confused at times, but you won't lose much if you haven't played the original, in terms of story at least.
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    Russian-Ukrainian war

    Kvass is one of those things that everybody fondly remembers. I love it too, but the ones that are sold right now just don't taste like the ones back then. If you want to get that taste you need to brew it yourself. Problem with buying things was real, but you need to set you mind to understand...
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    Russian-Ukrainian war

    As someone who was born in soviet union and experienced a little bit, I myself have fond memories of those days, but then again I was a kid who didn't even know about politics, ideologies, etc. I can say there is good reason why people think fondly of those days. For instance every person was...
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    Russian-Ukrainian war

    Old folks even now from the ex soviet countries (heck even Russians themselves) say how they gladly would go back to those times. Thing is Russia today is not like USSR back then and those times won't come back even if next week Russia would decide go back to communist regime.
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    Do you think Fallout 4 will outsell or be better than GTA 5?

    Yeah, but this year critics were praising Witcher 3 a lot, so there is a glimpse of hope for some kind of competition between the two. As for fans, if there was a huge hype over a fake Fallout 4 site a year ago, then that alone proves how much fans want Fallout 4 and as long the game gonna be...
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    Do you think Fallout 4 will outsell or be better than GTA 5?

    I could care less how much money GTA 5 earned and how much Fallout 4 will earn. What I'm more interested in is which game will win the best RPG of the year award: Fallout 4 or Witcher 3?
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    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    I generally check in every once and a while to find some positivity, but I never seem to find any. It's either idiots coming here to spout crap about how Todd Howard is god, or it's the elitists that yell about how Fallout 4 is made for casuals, and it's fans are retarded. Speaking for myself...
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    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    Yeah, fuck that 18 year old game for not adding weapons that help you blow enemy heads with coffee mugs and teddy bears.
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    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    He probably played it, but stopped after dying to much.
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    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    I blame the awesomeness that is Fallout 3 for that.
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    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    Man, I can't get enough of them nude mods. Now if somebody made a mod that would give me a sexy follower with big boobs that would stick her finger up my ass and rotate it counterclockwise (I hate clockwise) while giving me a blowjob every time I kill 10 super mutants, then that would be all...
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    Planescape Torment Discussion: No Spoilers

    The more I see words "Planescape Torment", the more I'm itching for Tides of Numenera. Man, fuck this thread.