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  1. S

    DLC Play order.

    I haven't replayed any DLCs yet so right now I'm just doing them in order. May do Honest Hearts > Old World Blues > Dead Money > Lonesome Road in another playthrough like you said though, as it seems like the logical way.
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    Old World Blues

    By all rights it's still a bug (which seems to have a workaround). I doubt it was intended to never regrow unless you're outside the Sink.
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    Old World Blues

    I think the Biological Research Station might be bugged. I've waited several days after picking all the plants and they just don't seem to regrow.
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    Eurogamer reviews Old World Blues

    He may have been referring to DemonNick's comment.
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    Ctrl+Alt+Defeat and Destructoid on 'War Never Changes'

    Good article, and it being from Destructoid is a very big surprise.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Wow, I just started a replay of Icewind Dale too a few days ago (no influence from this thread though, just a coincedince).
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    Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative

    WHAT. I don't know what you thought was wrong with the gameplay mechanics (shoot -> kill -> grab keycard -> use keycard) and Duke 3D's controls were fine. The graphics were a step-up from Doom, which is exactly what the rest of the game was at the time. And the level design is probably the...
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    Dungeon Siege III

    Played the demo and thought it was decent, I had some fun with it and it doesn't seem so bad but I'm not sure if I want to buy it or not. Though that steam pre-purchase bonus is looking pretty good. £29.99 for Dungeon Siege 1, 2 and 3.
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    Legendary Fallout modder Prosper interviewed

    I meant for a subforum to store all of Prosper's golden posts, so we shall never forget. :wink:
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    Legendary Fallout modder Prosper interviewed

    Prosper needs his own subforum in The Vats.
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    Legendary Fallout modder Prosper interviewed

    Live long and Prosper. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. S

    So, the Duke Nukem Forever demo is out...

    Gotta give them credit for doing a demo at all if it's as bad as you say. If devlopers realize their game is shitty/will only be fun for a couple of weeks, they never release a demo, just so they can coax their customers into buying it blind.
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    I was going to try a playthrough where I get the Enclave to help at Hoover Dam and ally the Brotherhood of Steel with NCR, but then I read on the Vault that there was a bug which makes BoS/NCR start a shitstorm and kill each other (because of faction shit) despite supposedly "allying"...
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    Old World Blues Qore Footage

    Really getting the E.P.A. vibe from Big MT here too. Looks like this DLC will be pretty damn good.
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    Anybody interested in selling Fallout 1 big box version?

    I'm a jellysaurus rex for that big box.
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    Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts Reviews Round-up #7

    Disregarding the review itself, I want to know what kind of shit unknown website uses a 1-6 scale for scoring games.
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    An open letter to Obsidian Entertainment

    I didn't experience the PC version of AP's vanilla (fortunately?), only played with the most recent patch and it all seemed fine to me. I played the Xbox version (which is obviously the platform the game was designed for) in vanilla and didn't experience any gamestopping/breaking bugs.
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    An open letter to Obsidian Entertainment

    And I thought my 4 and a half playthroughs of AP was a lot, jeez! :wink: Still, I agree on the point that AP doesn't actually have as many "bugs" as the idiot reviewers make it seem. Some glitches? Sure. Bugs though - they're different, and a lot less common. Shitty little clipping problems...
  19. S

    Anti-Materiel Sniper?

    On my sniper character I run around with a Ranger Sequoia, a Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle and an Anti-Materiel Rifle. I find the AMR better for things like Cazadors and Deathclaws, especially with AP ammo and sneak attack crits.
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    Questing AFTER the Enclave

    Wow, so this does happen? I guess I always finished most of the quests before I even go to the Enclave so I avoid this completely then.