Old World Blues Qore Footage

So there is gonna be another talking armor? well at least is a light/medium armor and not another ugly Power Armor. I hope that concept artwork is of Lonesome Road Ulysses too, it looks like the Big MT is gonna be huge so there will be a lot of exploration. I wonder whats up with Christine, she appears as pre-Dead Money Crhstine, with another vocie and inside the Big MT, is it gonna be like a recording? or maybe when they pull your barin out you will have some interactive flashback of some sort?
I don't get your inmediate whinning with the precense of humor, its not like is Bethesda the one in charge of the writing.
I've modified the news post to include both videos.

Looks lulzy, true, but as long as the dark humor is properly executed I really don't mind. Now, just gotta finish Honest Hearts...
if i would be bill gates i would buy fallout license and made this game better for all fans around the world...

...but im just dev :(
Really getting the E.P.A. vibe from Big MT here too. Looks like this DLC will be pretty damn good.
Huge E.P.A vibes from this. Overall, look pretty good. As long as the lulzy humor is done right, then I see no harm in it being in there.
Talking toasters? Your brain removed? This is a wacky looking DLC

Perhaps its like that Star Trek episode in which aliens steal Spock's brain and Kirk and McCoy control his body through a remote control.
In this case your brain being removed from the start and put in some kind of cylinder or think tank unit and remotely controlling your body.

Heh, that is going to lead to some interesting situations, like can you shoot your own brain when you find it?


I may have had a really strange thought about what this 'greater threat' could be that might make the player ally with the 'Think Tanks'.

If you look at this sketch of the Big Empty you see fissures underneath the facility.


What if this is the big threat?
And something similar happened to the place that is now called the Divide, destroying NCR forces that were traveling through it?

The 'Big One' has hit California in a way, and now the remaining scientists in the Big Empty try to stabilize or stop the damage.

I admit that that is really different for a 'threat', not an army or a faction but a natural disaster.
The Dutch Ghost said:
What if this is the big threat?
And something similar happened to the place that is now called the Divide, destroying NCR forces that were traveling through it?

The 'Big One' has hit California in a way, and now the remaining scientists in the Big Empty try to stabilize or stop the damage.

I admit that that is really different for a 'threat', not an army or a faction but a natural disaster.

Hmm, could be. Which would be kind of interesting instead of adding a new enemy/faction/etc. Guess we'll find out soon enough, eh?
Lexx said:
I am a bit confused. Does Christine show up again? That would make it technically a slightly bit more complex, because of Dead Money 'n stuff. You would have to play it first, before Old World Blues, and so on.

This is very confusing to me since Dead Money's ending [spoiler:dfbd34cdee]mentions that Christine didn't think about the courier again until she heard about the showdown that is presumably happening in lonesome road[/spoiler:dfbd34cdee]. Which would seem to mean this can't be happening after Dead Money but the fact that Christine doesn't know the Courier at the start of Dead money would mean it can't be happening before. This video makes for potentially very confusing canon. :?
Thats pre-Dead Money Christine, her voice is different so she hasn't been attacked by the Auto Doc that ripped her vocal cords, Maybe we will take Ulysses place at some point?
You know what's funny...

...is that the Fallout community has gone through so much shite because of the literal abortion which is known as Van Buren to the figurative abortion which is known as Fallout 3 that we're seeing fans who, years n' years ago were decrying FO2 for being too lulzy exclaiming "Oh, Jesus fuck...as long as the lulz are done decently I don't fucking care anymore!"

Oh how far we've fallen.

Also: I loved FO2 from day 1, was never a FO2 detractor, and so I'm totally ok with talking toasters.
Funny though how the DLCs really end up having a different vibe then the previews and even the description show. Just look at Dead Money, when we all read that it was going to be a casino heist DLC we all kind of shrugged at it, but it ended up being so much more complex and well written than that.
Faceless Stranger said:
Funny though how the DLCs really end up having a different vibe then the previews and even the description show. Just look at Dead Money, when we all read that it was going to be a casino heist DLC we all kind of shrugged at it, but it ended up being so much more complex and well written than that.

Beware the marketing and advertising!! I feel there's a Bill Hicks skit in there somewhere... hmm.
sea said:
Brain theft and other lulz aside, this actually looks like the best DLC by far. Tons of new equipment and cool tech-oriented stuff makes me happy. Experimentation is good, and I appreciate what Dead Money and Honest Hearts tried to do, but it's nice to return to some of the Fallout 2 silliness, so long as the plot and canon don't end up too wrecked as a result. Call me optimistic about this one; it certainly looks much more promising than the prior DLCs at first glance.

I do agree, it looks pretty interesting thus far. And as someone had pointed out, how they are presented seems to differ from how they are. I'm rather excited for this, definitely is shaping up to be the best one so far. Lonesome Road does sound awesome too, can't wait for more details on that.

And I've enjoyed your site, Sea! Will be trying your DA:O addon when I finish reinstalling the game.
I just noticed some SPore Carriers in that video, What's with Vault 22 sudden influence everywhere?
About Ulysses again:
I'll guess it's pretty sure that the concept art is still an old one that has been created for the main game. Thus I would also guess that the different emblems on the duster mean that his companion quest was about his struggle between the nations. To quote him again:

"The day I set my flag down, it'll be over my body or over a nation I believe in."

So the player would have been able to convince him that either the NCR or the Legion might be his new nation that he can believe in.

Though, this makes him a tad unsympathic for me, because this seems to be a highly fanatic behavior. Seriously, removing yer old world flag from the duster just to patch it with either an NCR or Legion emblem afterwards? That's a rather too hard focus on a nation for my taste.

Either all that or he really is some legion super spy agent who changes his clothes depending on in which are he is active in the moment.

In any case, to me Ulysses feels much more badass than Graham did. Or maybe it is a different kind of badassery: While Graham was badass because of all his knowledge and because he was hard to kill, Ulysses seems to be badass because of his skills.

In any case², I have a hard time with believing that he was a simple bighorn rancher prior to when he disappeard from the Wolfhorn Ranch.
TwinkieGorilla said:
...is that the Fallout community has gone through so much shite because of the literal abortion which is known as Van Buren

Why was VB an abortion?

I would still take it over Fallout New Vegas and its DLCs (and Fallout 3 which is obvious) if it mean wiping those from existence in order for VB to exist.