A right proper chap.
It's the Sierra Army Depot all over again, just with less Skynet and more talky toaster.
KING SHIT said:Talking toasters? Your brain removed? This is a wacky looking DLC
The Dutch Ghost said:What if this is the big threat?
And something similar happened to the place that is now called the Divide, destroying NCR forces that were traveling through it?
The 'Big One' has hit California in a way, and now the remaining scientists in the Big Empty try to stabilize or stop the damage.
I admit that that is really different for a 'threat', not an army or a faction but a natural disaster.
Lexx said:I am a bit confused. Does Christine show up again? That would make it technically a slightly bit more complex, because of Dead Money 'n stuff. You would have to play it first, before Old World Blues, and so on.
Yeah, big fan of Roger Cross, he should be awesome to interact with.C2B said:24's Curtis as Ulysseus. Awesome.![]()
Faceless Stranger said:Funny though how the DLCs really end up having a different vibe then the previews and even the description show. Just look at Dead Money, when we all read that it was going to be a casino heist DLC we all kind of shrugged at it, but it ended up being so much more complex and well written than that.
sea said:Brain theft and other lulz aside, this actually looks like the best DLC by far. Tons of new equipment and cool tech-oriented stuff makes me happy. Experimentation is good, and I appreciate what Dead Money and Honest Hearts tried to do, but it's nice to return to some of the Fallout 2 silliness, so long as the plot and canon don't end up too wrecked as a result. Call me optimistic about this one; it certainly looks much more promising than the prior DLCs at first glance.
The Dutch Ghost said:If you look at this sketch of the Big Empty you see fissures underneath the facility.
TwinkieGorilla that the Fallout community has gone through so much shite because of the literal abortion which is known as Van Buren
The Dutch Ghost said:Why was VB an abortion?