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  1. Moseyonhome

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    Umm what? I made a long response to Biggums and his claims about BOS quests just being fetch quests were plain wrong. Even if you have played a little bit of the game you would know that his claim about the BOS quests were false. If you think my response was flimsy then give some examples of...
  2. Moseyonhome

    What is the food chain of the Fallout world?

    For Plant life in New Vegas there is Banana Yucca, Barrel Cactus fruit, Buffalo Gourd, Broc Flower, Honey Mesquite plants, Jalapeno bushes, Maize plants, Nevada agave fruits,Prickly pears plants, Pinto beans, Bell peppers, spore plants, pinyon nuts. Also fresh fruit so there may be apple or pear...
  3. Moseyonhome

    Cop beats hobo for taking up 2 seats on empty subway, hobo arrested over cops bruised knuckles

    A simple google search reveals that mainstream media did cover it. There's an article from NBC New York that covers exactly that And why would BLM and other...
  4. Moseyonhome

    references to China in Fallout 1 and 2?

    Was this true, I thought Boris Yeltsin was backed by U.S business interests and the IMF etc. The U.S rigged the 1996 election to keep Boris Yeltsin in power, so it seems odd there would be a media deluge of hatred against Russia at the time.
  5. Moseyonhome

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    You don't have to destroy them if you go NCR you can work out a peace deal with them and the NCR and if you go independent you can leave them alone
  6. Moseyonhome

    Outer Worlds - Massive Disappointment

    This. The corporate advertising in the game seems remarkably shallow and is not subtle. Like today corporations will use social media to try and make funny jokes, as a marketing ploy to stand out on social media. Or will psychologically try to get someone to remember their product from a young...
  7. Moseyonhome

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    Thanks for the advice!! The last comment was 3 weeks ago so I assumed that it wasn't that long ago. My reasoning for posting was challenging this guy's BS claims that New Vegas's quests are simple fetch quests when they aren't remotely at all and they have a ton of depth too them. I assumed at...
  8. Moseyonhome

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    This point is so bad literally no player would detonate the bomb before talking to Moriarty about your dad. Your lead to your dad IS IN THE SAME BUILDING AS MR BURKE AND WHEN YOU ENTER THE SALOON , MORIARTY IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU ONCE YOU ENTER. You Would have to be insanely stupid to blow up...
  9. Moseyonhome

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    Biggums claims that BoS quests are just boring fetch quests this is false. 1. Finding the first BoS patrol leads you to Repconn a unique location unlike Fallout 3 it is full of nonhostile robots not a simple location full of raiders.I found Repconn interesting while reading the terminals in...
  10. Moseyonhome

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    You do know that it costs a lot more than that it costs taxpayer funds each year for maintenance of the statues.
  11. Moseyonhome

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    It's Guinea Pig not a hamster
  12. Moseyonhome

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    "MUH SLIPPERY SLOPE, whoever made that a fallacy should be shot in the street, it's always used as a deflection against the logical conclusions to actions." Funny I thought the radical left were the one's supposed to be behind most of the violence. Deflection against logical conclusions to...
  13. Moseyonhome

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    "Don't you dare try to lecture me about "muh racism" or whatever stupid ass shit you believe." Lol Don't say dumb stuff then like Destroying statues is destroying history and you won't get lectured "You don't see me crying, hurting people or toppling down statues because "the statues glorify...
  14. Moseyonhome

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    That is called Slippery slope fallacy "A slippery slope argument (SSA), in logic, critical thinking, political rhetoric, and caselaw, is often viewed as a logical fallacy[1] in which a party asserts that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some...
  15. Moseyonhome

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Lmao Tearing down statues is not tearing down history. If you take down a statue history it's not gone it's still there in books, websites, newspaper articles etc. Was the history of Saddam Hussein magically erased once his statue was toppled, did Hitlers history disappear as well once his...
  16. Moseyonhome

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Yet this is how most of these dumb cunts think. It's Honestly really annoying when people strawman the other half of the political spectrum. Just because your cousin is very stupid doesn't mean most people on the left are.