This isn't true though. Firstly, who the fuck cares what Black Israelites think? They are massively irrelevant, even to the protest movements. Unless you're conflating the anti-police protests with being "anti-white" which you likely are since you're a complete retard. Who is defending the cops other than right-wing bootlickers? I want you to point me to evidence of your boogeyman protecting cops.
You are wrong about race because you made it clear in your first post you want to pivot away from it and brush it under the rug as a topic, what you're doing is called "Class reductionism". Saying "Oh but it's actually all about class rather than race" is so factually and statistically untrue (You can check out the link I've provided for very conclusive proof of structural racism within the justice system and policing) that either you're doing it because you're stupid or you're doing it because admitting structural racism exists isn't good for your worldview. Actually, it's likely to be both.
A very Marxist argument for someone who pretends to be libertarian. But uh, yeah, nobody is doing that either.
I really don't even see what point you are making. You are so deep down the rabbit hole of cognitive dissonance that you are just spurting off left and right with random tangential half-arguments. In your next post I expect you to come back with something more coherent but, honestly why the fuck I would expect that from you I don't know.
Do you live in an alternate reality or something? Actually, don't answer that. Also try not to sound so happy about the idea in that last part of your sentence, chief. You're letting your mask slip a little too quickly.
If you don't think BLM is anti-white, you're not worth talking to.
If you aren't willing to admit the left distracts everyone from the Police Brutality problem with their "Whitey bad, whitey is oppressor, fuck whitey!" bullshit, you are not worth talking to.
If you're going to lie about what is true and what is false, you are a Marxist, which means you are not worth talking to.
If you're going to pretend BLM isn't anti-white, you aren't worth talking to.
If you're going to pretend the disproportionately high rate at which blacks commit crimes compared to white is due to "muh systamatic racism from whitey", you aren't worth talking to.
If you're going to pretend the Black Hebrew Israelites and BLM and Leftists and Marxists like you are not all on the same side, fighting for the same anti-humanist thing, you're not worth talking to.
I'm Libertarian, you're Marxist. I don't support corrupt cops, but you do. You are anti-white and you should thank whites for letting you live in their land even though you hate them. You should also stop hating whites. You do not know what I think or what I wish would happen to you. Stop projecting onto me. "Try not to sound so happy about the idea" of fascists murdering you, you say? Bitch, please. First of all, this is a text post on an internet forum. You can't accurately guess my tone and feelings from text, not when you're mentally unstable and desperate to see your nazi fascist boogeymen everywhere. Your lot gloats about wanting me dead. You don't have the right to tell me how I should view you or feel about you. How many years have the Marxists spent lying, cheating, stealing, censoring, and making this world a worse place to live on? If every Marxist was gunned down in the street tomorrow, it would be a tragedy. A tragic end to Marxism's tragic tale of lies, murder, and failure. Everyone in the world would breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the marxist problem has been resolved. But they would still wish it was possible that marxists could be talked out of being evil and rehabilitated.
You lot unironically believe that fascists are everywhere, hiding under every rock and behind everything you don't like. But if that was true, you wouldn't exist. You wouldn't get away with violating the law. You lot only get away with violating the law because you are the Useful Idiots of the rich and powerful political elite. You repeat the Coca-Cola(TM)-sponsored opinions you learned in school, react violently when you hear anything that's not Coca-Cola-approved, and call yourselves "revolutionaries" because you lack self-awareness.
You just aren't worth talking to. I show you evidence that whites can be victims and blacks can be aggressive out-of-control cops, and you embarass yourself by taking the cop's side. I don't support corrupt cops, but you do. You insult me and insult my thread with every marxist trick you know, because logic can't reach someone that far gone.
You are a Marxist, and you are not worth talking to. You're the best argument against universal human rights and universal suffrage. Ironically, your kind is the best argument against free speech rights too.
Which is kinda sorta exactly what it is.
Yeah, this is something a moderator should do. Openly endorse the marxist's aggressive and dishonest dismissal of everything I have to say. Endorse the marxist's insults towards me. Because that'll help this conversation become civil. Why remove the marxist's slander and try to get this thread back on-topic when you could just act like this? How did you become a moderator?
I have no reason to care what leftists think of me. They think the skin colour I was born with makes me racist. They think their own side's bullshit is fine (hence why they never speak out against it) and they think anything to the right of Mao is a sin. So why should I give a fuck what they have to say about me? Honestly, tell me. Why do you think I should care what a cucked soyboy, insane violent cowardly gun-grabbing thug, or literal marxist thinks of me? Why are you so convinced that I am the only one who should "behave", when you let leftists run rampant on your side acting however the fuck they want?