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  1. B

    Any armorers/blacksmiths on here?

    You've only been here since August...... Unless you're like me and you've had multiple different accounts over the years since like 07 or 08.
  2. B

    Is smoking tobacco a human right, or should it be banned?

    You had a pack of smokes at 12?
  3. B

    Is smoking tobacco a human right, or should it be banned?

    It's no secret today that tobacco and the massive amount of different chemicals it is mixed with, both naturally and unnaturally, is very hazardous to human health. I don't believe that anyone in a first-world nation can rightly say they had no idea smoking cigarettes would/will be so harmful to...
  4. B

    Any armorers/blacksmiths on here?

    Blacksmithing is mainly a dead profession in first world nations. Any career that has to do with shaping metals, such as iron, steel, copper, etc. are mostly done is massive industrialized factories. I don't even think anyone refers to it as blacksmithing these days, unless it's taken up as a hobby.
  5. B

    Is NMA Dying?

    That chick just needed a friend. Any volunteers? You never know, there's a 1/6 chance that she isn't fat. But shit, fat chicks need love too man.
  6. B

    Crane flies and God (and me)

    That was actually funny. Made me laugh. Also, did you put this up because my religion thread? Did I make you think?
  7. B

    Is NMA Dying?

    Trust me, we don't. We don't want that shit stinking up our reputation, motherfucker. Alec and Rosh saw through that shit. :troll: Multiple-personality disorder has taken to new heights. Truth was, NMA died years ago. It doesn't even exist anymore outside of Crni's mind. This thread is his...
  8. B

    Is NMA Dying?

    Awesome picture. How old? I'm going to assume late 1800's? Perhaps 1880's, toward the end of the Samurai era? His armor was obviously torn open with a gunpowder weapon, which wasn't introduced into Japan until late late 1800's during the era of European influence, right before the Meji-era.
  9. B

    Do you think Fallout 4 will outsell or be better than GTA 5?

    I agree with you on the GTA 4 part, I really liked Niko, Roman, and managed to get attached to a lot of the characters. I don't usually get that into stories, to where I felt like I just had to continue the story. Only a few stories have done that to me.
  10. B

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    So Russia has also recently landed in Syria and promised to help the local government in their own internal conflict. Some people don't want to support Syria because they don't support it's dictator, but if Syria/Russia loses, that means ISIS wins...
  11. B

    Is NMA Dying?

    And then after they all leave again like after New Vegas came out?
  12. B

    Is NMA Dying?

    This site has been around since what, '97, '98? First it was run by Miroslav, then he gave it to Odin (who, as far as I can tell, has lost any and all interest in the site. He seems to only pay the domain's server fee, and that's about the extent of his involvement with NMA). Miroslav is long...
  13. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Shit. Any real wrestling fan knows the true idol of the working man is Hulk Hogan. Carry on (rate avatar above me).
  14. B

    The Walking Dead

    Wasn't the original XCOM classified as a part-adventure game?
  15. B

    Do you think Fallout has some of the most realistic gunplay?

    I wouldn't go as far as to say it's one of the "most-realistic". For example, if you're terrible with guns, you can dump a full clip on someone wearing a leather jacket or leather armor and they'll still live. Or get a head shot and they'll still be alive to fight (or run). I'm not sure that's...
  16. B

    The Walking Dead

    I actually liked Lee's voice, which a lot of people said he sounds to "plain". I thought it did a good job, though myself. Aka Adventure games. You're basically saying people who make Adventure-genre games should heed to a firing squad.
  17. B

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    You kinda are a bit pompous. But then again, you always know best!
  18. B

    The Walking Dead

    I just got the first season, played through two episodes in about a weeks time, taking breaks between each episode. I have to say that I genuinely like it. I haven't played an Adventure game for a long time. Of course, this is more of an interactive movie of sorts than a game, but I enjoy it...
  19. B

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    :rofl: Walp IS a little bit of a dick. He's can be funny and entertaining some times though.