Is smoking tobacco a human right, or should it be banned?

I don't know what the laws are like elsewhere, but there's a massive crackdown on home-grown tobacco here. You aren't allowed to grow tobacco at all unless you have a contract with a company authorized to treat tobacco.

I don't really see the whole "powerful addiction" angle. I smoked for several years and when I decided I didn't want to smoke anymore, I quit. The only time I feel anything resembling a need to smoke is when I'm drunk. And as for the withrdawal effects, never felt those either.
I don't really see the whole "powerful addiction" angle. I smoked for several years and when I decided I didn't want to smoke anymore, I quit. The only time I feel anything resembling a need to smoke is when I'm drunk. And as for the withrdawal effects, never felt those either.

Because you are a great man. Not everyone can be great; for example Beaushizzle.
Ban it and you'll have people in jail for trafficking it and for smoking it, and you'll see the appearance of tobacco cartels.
I don't really see the whole "powerful addiction" angle. I smoked for several years and when I decided I didn't want to smoke anymore, I quit. The only time I feel anything resembling a need to smoke is when I'm drunk. And as for the withrdawal effects, never felt those either.
Because you are a great man. Not everyone can be great; for example Beaushizzle.
Or you can be judgmental faggot. I've quit when I got tired of it, and I started when I wanted to. No need to be a prick. Do you drink? Then you are weak. Do you eat sugary foods? Fucking undisciplined. Do you use salt? What a bitch.
It's easy for you to talk like that on the Internet. 500$ says you'd never say that to me in person. No, I'm not UFC champion or a strongman world champion. Just a sheet metal worker. Inb4 you accuse me of any of that, too.
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I don't really see the whole "powerful addiction" angle. I smoked for several years and when I decided I didn't want to smoke anymore, I quit. The only time I feel anything resembling a need to smoke is when I'm drunk. And as for the withrdawal effects, never felt those either.
Because you are a great man. Not everyone can be great; for example Beaushizzle.
Or you can be judgmental faggot. I've quit when I got tired of it, and I started when I wanted to. No need to be a prick. Do you drink? Then you are weak. Do you eat sugary foods? Fucking undisciplined. Do you use salt? What a bitch.
It's easy for you to talk like that on the Internet. 500$ says you'd never say that to me in person. No, I'm not UFC champion or a strongman world champion. Just a sheet metal worker. Inb4 you accuse me of any of that, too.

I like to watch porn and eat ice-cream. My cardiologist said my heart is going to shit (can't lift anything), so you will soon be able to beat me. I tip my fedora at you, till we meet again.
No, smoking should not be illegal. Let me do to myself as I want as long as it doesn't harm others. When I want a smoke, I go out of my way to keep clear of others, so they aren't annoyed by it. If smoking is made illegal, then so should drinking, McDonald's and high fructose corn syrup.
No, smoking should not be illegal. Let me do to myself as I want as long as it doesn't harm others. When I want a smoke, I go out of my way to keep clear of others, so they aren't annoyed by it. If smoking is made illegal, then so should drinking, McDonald's and high fructose corn syrup.

It might very well be at some point. *shrugs* Who knows? It really depends about how much is at the stake here. For the moment? Smoke away! But in 30? 50? 100 years from now on? Surely you would not be the kind of person that would point a gun on his head and playing russian roulette just for the fun. Or would you? But that is exactly what happens each time when you decide to smoke, drink and eat (very) unhealthy. Maybe the cancer or heart disease will hit you, or it will not. I meet those kind of people, where they want to enjoy their life without ever giving up on anything. Up to the point where they have their first heart attack, or bowl cancer. I am not saying you have to live like a monk, but beeing a bit, just a weeeee bit more aware about what you do goes already a long way.

The time when something would have only harm you and no one else are over, if there ever was such a time. Like the meat production in industrialized nations as best example. How much grain and resources are wasted in that industry just so that 40% of it can be thrown away right from the shelves in the super markets and at homes? And for how long can the way how we consume food and other resources continue before it actually creates an effect that is so large that we are FORCED to do something about it? And I mean everyone, not just the poor ones out there that didn't had the luck to be born in the correct nation.

There are enough researchers and experts that warn us from the effects of our current lifestyle. And it doesn't take a genious to see why. And I am not talking about global warming. I mean the really obvious stuff. Like the pollution from Oil, garbage trail in the Ocean and the like. We are turning this planet slowly but steadily in a big giant dumpster. And yet we pretty much all continue with our behaviour. Like as it would not effect us.

And what is the typical response when people make serious proposals? Dun take away mah rights! It doesn't harm you! Why do you care! OPRESSION! The moment you buy a burger or decide to smoke it DOES effect everyone else. And one has to be aware about that. I am not the kind of guy who likes laws and banns. But we have to be aware about what we do and when we do it. And I also find it interesting that pretty much no one here complains when it comes to things like the net neutrality or cases where your rights are REALLY in danger - GEMA, GEZ the Germans here will know what I am talking about! Yet, when someone just MENTIONES the idea to have ONE vegy day in German canteens where no canteen is allowed to serve meat, you face an uproar like someone raped and urinated on the whole constitution (not necessarily in that order) after burning it's corpse.

We are currently wasting so much resources on totally meaningless shit, it's staggering. Just to help us keep up a military presence that is/was questionable to begin with so that our industry can keep up and increase our consumerism where people buy incredible amounts of goods they don't even need in their life.

I am not trying to attack you personaly, really! I have no clue what your life style is. But I just find that notion, that what we do has no effect on others or that we don't cause any harm very ignorant. We are still all part of an industry and the consumerism that we support does kill people.
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Smokers also seem to be overly sensitive when told that smoking makes them smell like shit.
Why are you even getting so deffensive for? No one here has said they should ban it, all we are saying is that it's pretty lame.
I'm aware of the health hazards, and I'm okay with it. I offset it (slightly) by working in a physically demanding environment (sheet metal/new home construction), exercising regularly, and heating a healthy diet.
I, in fact, do not reek of fecal matter, nor do I stink like an ashtray. Simple things like brushing teeth regularly, changing clothes, and showering reduce it, as well as deodorant. I've asked many times, and the answer is always "no. I can tell you smoke, but it isn't offensive at all and I have to be REALLY close to tell".
Yes, there are those who reek to high hell, but generally they don't take care of themselves anyway.
And I think you're pretty lame, Walpknut. Just sayin'.
There are a lot of things that aren't good for you that the state doesn't ban. I'd argue tobacco is, all in all, really bad for anybody and any of the perceived benefits (like "I'm okay with the health issues" or "It makes me feel good") could be adequately replaced with less harmful activities, but still does that mean we should ban it outright? That's the debate of how much is contained within freedom. You can't ban tobacco. You can regulate it, you can promote how bad it is, but in the end you can't ban it because it's not so harmful that it needs to be actively restricted. It's different from, say, crack. A drug like crack quickly destroys the person and, even more easily, it destroys whole social groups (and I will say that because I've interacted with that reality). Cigarettes? The most they will do is slowly kill the person who smokes them. You could make a case that it's not a good habit and that it would be unwise to use them, but that's not the argument here - if we're strictly considering whether to ban tobacco or not, the answer is that you can't, because doing so would be inconsistent with other laws and ultimately unsustainable.
You can't ban tobacco.

Sure you can. They won't do it, for obvious reasons. But you can. And they did it once with Alcohol. Albeit Tobacco won't go most probably cause of the lobby around it.
It's not enough for you white devils to wipe out native American peoples, now you want to wipe out the culture too? Come and try to take my peyote paleface.

We are currently wasting so much resources on totally meaningless shit, it's staggering. Just to help us keep up a military presence that is/was questionable to begin with so that our industry can keep up and increase our consumerism where people buy incredible amounts of goods they don't even need in their life.
Is it really necessary to turn every thread on NMA into some preachy, personal polemic against the military industrial complex? Good grief.
Is smoking cock a human right, or should it be banned?
I thought about it and just cannot fully comprehend the strangeness and stupidity of smoking (tobacco and its derivatives). Out of every other drug you at least get some kind of a buzz, but there stands alone by itself - the cigarrete. You have to smoke a ton of them with no tangible return, plus you stink and cannot smell shit, while also constantly making your lungs put up with breathing smoke of all things! The first time this came to my mind, is when i was 12 years old, standing in the balcony and looking at my l&m pack of cigarretes; I threw them out the window and never looked back.

How to deal with this, is a pretty hard question, as i personally feel that it is purely the product of culture, meaning that people usually start doing this by mimicking others around them and not out of curiosity of radically altering your brains chemical balance, as with other drugs. Seeing the stubbornness (this fucking word has 2 b's 2 n's and 2 s's in it, i mean, come on!?) of smokers, i feel that the only way to tackle this, is by making smoking more and more and more expensive, as to make it less viable for teenagers (the age at which the mind is the most susceptible). Unless you have a dictator who lynches people for smoking, banning will probably do the opposite of making people not smoke.

You had a pack of smokes at 12?