Is NMA Dying?


Wizard of the Hood
This site has been around since what, '97, '98? First it was run by Miroslav, then he gave it to Odin (who, as far as I can tell, has lost any and all interest in the site. He seems to only pay the domain's server fee, and that's about the extent of his involvement with NMA). Miroslav is long gone, and it seems so is Odin. The website is now held together by a small, niche community and the "Triple Threat" of administrators (Sander, Tagz, Brother None) who are really the only active moderators/admins left besides Yamu, and occasionally Per drops in every once in awhile, most often without posting (I guess Voof counts, but I don't know shit about her, and I really never planned on "knowing". The way I figure it, with most of the mods here and myself anyways it seems to be a type of "I don't know you and I don't want to know you, and that's cool just let it be" mutual relationship. The most contact I've had with a mod is Sander, and while I might not agree with him on certain subjects, he's a good person and a good admin in my opinion. As for Voof, as far as I can tell anyways; she sticks to the Order, along with Yamu, Tagz, and Brother None, the rest of NMA's active admin/mod team).

Maybe, the Order doesn't seem like it might be dying, but NMA might. The only active admins almost never post on the NMA boards (except Sander, who at least drops in every now and then to chime in his opinion on whatever topic is currently popular). Brother None is pretty busy in general, and Tagz and Yamu stick to the Order. To them, and many other posters, it must seem like NMA doesn't even exist outside the Order category. Though, Yamu drops in every once in awhile, the time between her bouts here extends longer each time.

And yeah, we get new members, but most of them either stop posting or get chased away/ban themselves because they are Beth fans, which doesn't sit well with most on here. Personally, is it really THAT big of a deal they like Bethesda? Enough to, in a general sense, call them idiots with no taste in gaming so they can pretty much say to themselves "fuck that website", and then ban themselves. Every time a new Fallout game comes around, we get an influx of new users, small to other boards but large to us considering NMA's active members (not counting the Order). Maybe, maybe one (or two if we get lucky) will stick around to become long term members, while some other former veteran member whose been here for years at the same time either moves on from the website or disappears already (I can note more than a few. Alec, mainly). So around every new Fallout game, in a general period of about two years before and after release, we seem to both gain and lose members. The noobies, as I said, never stay. If they don't get chased away, they get (understandably) bored with a message board that has so few active members that new post additions to a thread are scarce, a new post averaging what seems to be every six to eight hours or so, by the same exact people (even less if they are posting in the Fallout area of the site. Very few people go in there anymore).

NMA was never truly extremely popular in the general sense of the word, but it's always been able to sustain itself and has never died down to the point where it was finally near death. But, it seems like, after thinking about it and taking a look around, NMA might just be on it's last leg. Let's procrastinate, and say it actually is. The site will live for for several more years. It won't die tomorrow, or even next year. But, each day it would slowly wither away, just a little bit more. The Order would probably survive, but in the end NMA becomes a desolate place with no one ever posting, a lot like the same fate the Duck and Cover forum met (last time I was there looking around, Jesus. It was just a graveyard full of threads. You didn't even have to dig down to find the dead threads either, they were everywhere). No Mutants Allowed is over 17 years old now.

Anyways, that's the gist of what I was thinking about. Just something to dwell on.
Well the amountofnews on Fallout 4 is kind of low, there hasn't been a new Fallout game in 5 years already, wether it's he Bethesdian ones or proper ones. Once Fo4 hits and everyone has their taste of it more activity will come. We did experience a peak in new registered users after the E3 conference, even if half of them where Bethesda fanboys coming to say the usual we still got a few new Crumodgeons in here. When the game is out, and the modding and all the reviews are in NMA will bloom with activity again.
I don't know about you, but I'm fine with the small amount of users. It's not my first forum with few people so I am used to it. And you're exaggerating a bit much. There are AT LEAST 7 posts a day. Which is fine by me.
NMA isn't dying. It may not be a most active website, but it's far from dying. It has dozens of active posters, and with a new game around the corner, more people will join in, sooner or later.
I've seen what dying forums look like...this is far from it. On the other hand, it is true that plenty of veterans have stopped posting, and that is certainly a shame, but nothing unheard of. Some of them will come around, sooner or later.

However, NMA will, at least as an incarnation of a glittering gem of hatred, eventually die.
There'll be a big influx of new users when Fallout 4 is finally out, I think.
Sometimes I would love to see more activity here. But at the same time it would also mean more idiots - and I am not talking about one group in particuilar. So a low frequency has advantages and disadvantages.

Though NMA dying? The Codex is talking about us. How can we be dead as long as they talk about us? We are not dead as long as that still happens.
I thought the Codex only talks about dead things and how living things should rather be dead because the things that are already dead are way superior.
There'll be a big influx of new users when Fallout 4 is finally out, I think.

And then after they all leave again like after New Vegas came out?

"They all" didn't leave after NV came out. Sure, plenty of people who were in the NV influx left, but a number remained. It's a pretty normal thing with small-to-medium-sized gaming forums, and similar sized forums which are otherwise concerned with franchises which run "episodically" (films, books, bands etc.). There is an influx of users while there is a hype over a new game/book/album and so on, and once the hype is gone, most of the users leave.
But there is always a certain number which remains, these form the veterans later on.

As for the issue of mods being absent that you mentioned - it's nothing new. Yamu tends to disappear from time to time. Similar goes for Tagaziel. I wouldn't know about Sander and voof though. BN doesn't visit as much, but I'm not sure if he can visit that much, given that he is part of inXile now - don't quote me on this one though. Korin hasn't been the most active user for a month or so, but he will come around, I'm sure.
As for Miroslav and Odin...with all due respect, they are sort of relics of the past, like many other admins/mods who left. It's just how it goes.

However, NMA does have a particular problem being a niche within a generally highly popular franchise. Most of "Fallout fans" nowadays are fans of Bethesda games, and given the reception of those games around here, it's pretty normal that our influx is way smaller than that of Bethesda forums, Nukapedia or whatever. Which is related to what I've mentioned in the previous post. NMA currently has enough users to function normally - even if, hypothetically, there is no influx of users after FO4, there would still be enough people here to run this place for more years.
The problem is that the "glittering gem of hatred" strain is slowly dying out. Many people stopped caring about the whole issue a long time ago, plenty assimilated with the Beth crowd, and some just never gave a shit. Given that the number of gems has been in decline for a while, and given that it's an inherent part of NMA, a part of NMA, a sort of heritage, tradition, is indeed slowly dying. Modding community is still strong, people are still playing the old games, but in general, things are slowly going down the spiral.
But looking at simple statistics and user numbers - NMA is still strong. User activity is very solid, and comparing it to the activity of this time period last year, it's skyrocketing.
[h=2]Is NMA Dying?[/h]

Honestly I prefer small-ish communities. Huge overcrowded forums don't tend to hold my interest too much, those also tend to contain much more spam and shit threads.
NMA has been dying forever... and still hasn't. I wouldn't bet on it happening anytime soon either... It's like books, first they said they were dead as soon as radio appeared, then television, then computers, internet, e-books and so on. All prophecies failed time and again, books are not only alive but they sell well too. NMA may had times where it had more traffic than others, that's true, but the fact it survived Fallout 3 cancellation and the new Fallout games, I mean, this site should have died long ago, instead it turned into a ghoul.