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  1. E

    When is the best time to start playing DLCs?

    I always limit myself to level thirty so the timing of the DLCs matters little to me. Order should be the way SnapSlav said, as it makes more sense story wise. HH: mention of the other courier (the guy you replaced) but nothing more. DM: is the true start of the story for him. He is...
  2. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    best strategy for LR: RUN!!!!! Mojave Deathclaw Hunting: find a place they will not hurt you or max out DR. For the most part, reducing the damage they (deathclaws in general) deal with stuff like med-x, slasher and battle brew is a good start,
  3. E

    Weird things you do in your games...

    not sure if this counts as wierd, but I can never create a female character without selecting the same-sex perk (Cherchez la femm or something).
  4. E

    Your Favorite Companions

    Veronica, Cass and ED-E. The latter two are powerful, but I like to kinda headcanon that my female Couriers and Veronica end up in a friends-with-benefits relationship (they have to sleep, right?).
  5. E

    Stealth - Your Opinion

    *Nods in agreement*
  6. E

    Your characters and roleplaying.

    I currently have a female character, Alicia. She was descended from the Enclave. Actually born into it, but was only a baby at the time. Her mother tried to keep her from that part of her. She slowly descends into the mindset of the Enclave as the game nears the end. She also hates the legion...