This ghoul has seen it all

I just take it as a limitation of the medium, so I don't really care as long as the important characters are well acted.
aenemic said:Regarding the voice acting, this guy is responsible for my biggest gripe with New Vegas:
He does one single voice, used for the majority of male NCR troopers, along with a whole sea of named NPC's. And it's not even a good voice. How he can be a big name in the voice acting business is beyond me.
Walpknut said:Because he has made a lot more work than the unnamed npcs in New Vegas?
Ironically, Bethesda actually did this to some small measure of... ahem... "success", in at least FO3. One of the programmers provided the voice for the Lone Wanderer's mother (and a bunch of other voices, I'm sure), and like the cast of FUNimantion, she was just working there, she wasn't a professional voice actor. It has the same pitfalls as relying on porn stars to do some acting; sure you'll get more variety, but if that's not their job, they're bound to be bad at it. Not all (Western) porn is proliferated with SOLELY deplorably laughable acting, as some come off half-decent, so resorting to "side talent" is still a viable alternative to re-using the same talent over and over. It's just seeing the ROOMS of eager hopefuls wanting to become voice actors at damn near every convention (in the US, at least) that has me coming away with a feeling of certainty that it's NOT a matter of cost or even difficulty in supplying the voice talent for the hundreds of roles games are creating; it's that the developers simply don't bother.Josan said:I'm sure there's a guild for voice actors (can't be arsed to look it up right now) that would preclude this but with with so many games having such small voice casts I've often thought "Hell, just stick a mic in front of every employee in the building and get some variety".
I think it's a "weird thing" I do, in the sense that I realize it's just an obsessive compulsion on my part, but I do the exact opposite of that... Even though the game is MADE for you to be incapable of pleasing everybody, I go to painful lengths to make EVERYBODY like me, as much as possible. No hostility, if it can be helped. So, even if I'm playing a "saintly" character who's aiming to help the NCR take control of New Vegas, I might just help the Powder Gangers keep NCRCF, or blow up the Long 15, or simply avoid helping Goodsprings with their Power Ganger problem until I can get enough credit with the group for them to like me overall. I "have to" complete jobs for the NCR that clash with the Legion by sneakily never getting caught, and keeping my reputation clean on both sides. It gets really tedious and boring, fast, but I'm just compelled to do it... =/pyroD said:I'm sure this isn't that weird but if I am vilified by a faction then I have to erase them. The Powder Gangers were extinct by the time I was through with them. Or at least as close as you can get to extinct with the gamebryo engine.
I also sometimes walk together with people to protect them, one time I finally found out why Sergeant mcgee (stationed at primm) always ends up dead in the mountains, I was actually running from Goodpsrings to Primm (Late game) out of nostalgia or something, when i heard gun shots. It was Mcgeee fighting geckos in the mountains "this time I can save him" i thought and did exacktly so. Then he continued to go, up to Hidden valley, through that radscorpion-infested mountain pass, onwards along the long 15 over some really dangerous hills full of Cazadores and finally he ended up in Camp Forlorn Hope
I mostly avoid looting, not because I have some rule about it but because I have always find looting kind of boring. I will only check a body if they had cool armor or if I am starved for food or stimpaks and I am just getting desperate, but for the most part I respect the dead (except when I move them into funny positions).
One playthrough I decided to just throw all the money and gold bars to the floor, take only a few stimpaks and then run out, insulting God and laughing about how his predictions were dead wrong.Wow, I couldn't imagine that, I loot everything thats not bolted to the floor. :p
You can imagine how tragic the end of Dead Money was for me.