Search results

  1. SilentRiC

    'Funny' error messages and why I hate them

    I think "petty" is irrelevant when we're talking about an automatic reaction in response to a deliberate decision on the programmer's part. Considering it feels to me like a slap in the face, the feeling of a slap in the face isn't petty even if in your subjective experience it doesn't feel like...
  2. SilentRiC

    'Funny' error messages and why I hate them

    Okay, I don't know you and you don't know me but I am here to make tired references and complain about error messages, and I'm well stocked on references. Anybody here use Chrome? If you do, you'll be familiar with two things - website crashes and the "Aw snap" error message that so hilariously...
  3. SilentRiC

    Wasteland (1) too primitive looking? How I got past it

    I suppose it's pure poetic justice that I found myself looking at Wasteland on my computer thinking "I...just can't get into this" the very same way many people look at Fallout 1 & 2. Well now I look at it and think "la-di-da, is all this detail really necessary?". How did I achieve this...
  4. SilentRiC

    Generational Decay of Quality - Rate of Quantity Increases

    It's just me who focused on his KKK point and I wasn't playing any games, strawmanning the point, or being a moron as you put it, I'm not playing chess here I'm trying to establish where a person's coming from, none of this is an attack that needs to be counterattacked - I don't come here to...
  5. SilentRiC

    Generational Decay of Quality - Rate of Quantity Increases

    I stopped watching television in 2007 for reasons unrelated to quality and I've been better off for it since, I can't stomach general TV at all now - I'll watch any specific programmes I'm interested in online. I don't see the connection between the poor quality of mass marketted television...
  6. SilentRiC

    How much of the game is in your head?

    I know exactly what you mean. I'm generally really soft when it comes to evil acts, committing the atrocity I mentioned in my post took a hell of a lot of rationalisation (including some beyond game thinking e.g. "If I back out now he'll have me killed because I know too much", "If I don't do it...
  7. SilentRiC

    Self imposed limitations - how viable an option is this?

    In the original Morrowind release the journal noted down all, uh, notable interactions but they were compiled in chronological order and only able to be viewed in the same way; naturally this became ridiculous as soon as you'd amassed many pages of entries. An update, which many console players...
  8. SilentRiC

    Store freezing after buying things via menu

    It's definitely a vanilla bug because I've had it twice on the 360 version. Every time it's been when I've bought a lot of cards so it seems to be connected to buying many items in one go - I have a hunch that it might be due to me scrolling around before it's finished dealing me my items (while...
  9. SilentRiC

    How much of the game is in your head?

    I found the responses surprising, I'd expected more people to be strict roleplayers. I struggle to roleplay as heroic/helpful characters because they wind up feeling comparatively bland if they don't have a dark or selfish side. I was looking forward to my second New Vegas play through as a...
  10. SilentRiC

    Self imposed limitations - how viable an option is this?

    You're right that no fast travel at all wouldn't work well with the current Fallout games. Most games with similar engines have vehicles or animal mounts for transport so without something like that to speed up travelling, yeah fast travel for moments like that makes sense. I actually have a...
  11. SilentRiC

    What makes fallout "Real Fallout" to you.

    The contrast of misplaced optimism/sentimentality (often stemming from the pre-war soundtrack but also from some characters' love of their homes) and desolation/grimness. This is an integral part of the atmosphere for me. It's perfectly characterised by the Vault Boy cartoons whose...
  12. SilentRiC

    Self imposed limitations - how viable an option is this?

    It's no secret that the 'Gamebryo' engine that the modern Fallouts run on come with a few issues that soften the challenge and gameplay in general. Some, not all, of these can be remedied via mods but not all of us have this option due to playing the games on consoles (I'm currently limited to a...
  13. SilentRiC

    Scariest Fallout critter

    Wow, nobody's said it yet... Spore Carriers! I don't want to give anything away so I'll just say that they're found in New Vegas and they're very hard to spot until they're pouncing toward your face. Master from Fallout 1 is the scariest looking character, second being Master's...
  14. SilentRiC

    How much of the game is in your head?

    There seem to be two distinct ways of playing CRPGs such as Fallout and that would be 1) Playing based on your own whims; responding to situations based purely on how you're feeling at the time and just taking the game as it comes to you. For some this may be putting themselves in the game...
  15. SilentRiC

    funniest moments from fallout games

    Wasn't sure whether you guys here preferred 'grave digging' or cloned topic creating so I went for the former. This one tickled the hell out of me in Fallout 2: So I happens across a farmer, wife, son and daughter under attack from a small pack of radscorpions, the wife's killed early on...
  16. SilentRiC

    Slender movie

    Hi, the name's RiC. I have to agree with Walpknut. It's that fine line between something being so obscure that you have nobody to talk about it with and that same thing becoming so trendy that it loses its mystique. Usually I can accept underappreciated things I love becoming mainstream...