It Wandered In From the Wastes

I hope I'm not the only one in middle-class, nuclear North America that can't even bare a second of watching a single bit of television. There is barely any bit of content of television that seems to be even slightly creative, let alone want to take risks in what content it presents.
Today's content seems to be oppressed by centrist optimism which centralizes its ideals around the idea of "non-offensiveness". So many people, believe they have some kind of self-indulged right to not be offended by anything that even fictional works are censored, tone downed and drenched with highly "positive" acid rain. Even the movie "The Help" was criticized for its use of "N" word, it takes place in the South for Christ sakes... Then you get the ridiculous passiveness in the politics, such as President Obama being "slammed" for using e pluribus unum instead of "God Bless America". It seems the wraith of society reaches everywhere, even cults are being infected with silly "let's whitewash everything" kind of mentality. Just look at the Ku Klux Klan for example, a once dominant secret society structured by firm rituals is now claiming to be for American families and not hold racist ideals at all.
Here is a clear example of the degradation in the music industry:
Once popular classic (personally one of my favorites):
Clearly nature's finest today:
And of course an example of how movie series, or just a series in general has degraded over time:
Gotham City in 1989 as depicted by Tim Burton:
Not only is the street image above dystopian, but also highly atmospheric and loyal to the franchise. This is what Gotham City was supposed to look like, external-gut industrial looming towers that block out the sky. This is very similar to the city presented in the comics.
Gotham City Today
Christopher Nolan clearly put a lot of effort into making the city not look like Chicago. I applaud Christopher Nolan for his finest achievements in both creativity and appealing to the majority. Jokes aside, the Dark Knight Rises failed miserably as a Batman movie, as a movie in general, it was not too bad compared to what we have typically released.
Though you can't completely blame the entertainment industry for this serious decline, our world runs completely off the motivation of profit margins, it is the consumer that provides the blood for this industry. If people stop buying over-animated, unoriginal and clearly rushed works, it forces a new trend. Unfortunately, the industry has a way with controlling both the standards and the needs. People just seem to be offended by everything nowadays it actually takes a serious effort to not offend someone. The point of creativity is that it expresses the ideas and visions of other people, unless you are not an individual, you're going to have somethings in your li'head that others will not agree with and generally will entirely hate and despise. The problem isn't that people just get offended easily (partly because of the outrageously hypocritical anti-bullying movement), it's that some states (and of course areas OUTSIDE the United States) actually consider censoring content that is deemed "not appropriate". We all know of the movie "Cannibal Holocaust", I didn't exactly enjoy that movie at all, but it's just a movie, not going to get PTSD from simply watching a DVD. At the end of the day, nobody got killed and it's just plain fiction. Just remember, fiction is suppose to be in contrast to your own world, it's about the escape, that's why we love Fallout, because it shows an alternative world that we can move into and escape our own boring and highly over-exaggerated civilizations.
Anyhow, merely just a constructive rant, how about some nice classic music?
Today's content seems to be oppressed by centrist optimism which centralizes its ideals around the idea of "non-offensiveness". So many people, believe they have some kind of self-indulged right to not be offended by anything that even fictional works are censored, tone downed and drenched with highly "positive" acid rain. Even the movie "The Help" was criticized for its use of "N" word, it takes place in the South for Christ sakes... Then you get the ridiculous passiveness in the politics, such as President Obama being "slammed" for using e pluribus unum instead of "God Bless America". It seems the wraith of society reaches everywhere, even cults are being infected with silly "let's whitewash everything" kind of mentality. Just look at the Ku Klux Klan for example, a once dominant secret society structured by firm rituals is now claiming to be for American families and not hold racist ideals at all.
Here is a clear example of the degradation in the music industry:
Once popular classic (personally one of my favorites):
Clearly nature's finest today:
And of course an example of how movie series, or just a series in general has degraded over time:
Gotham City in 1989 as depicted by Tim Burton:

Not only is the street image above dystopian, but also highly atmospheric and loyal to the franchise. This is what Gotham City was supposed to look like, external-gut industrial looming towers that block out the sky. This is very similar to the city presented in the comics.
Gotham City Today

Christopher Nolan clearly put a lot of effort into making the city not look like Chicago. I applaud Christopher Nolan for his finest achievements in both creativity and appealing to the majority. Jokes aside, the Dark Knight Rises failed miserably as a Batman movie, as a movie in general, it was not too bad compared to what we have typically released.
Though you can't completely blame the entertainment industry for this serious decline, our world runs completely off the motivation of profit margins, it is the consumer that provides the blood for this industry. If people stop buying over-animated, unoriginal and clearly rushed works, it forces a new trend. Unfortunately, the industry has a way with controlling both the standards and the needs. People just seem to be offended by everything nowadays it actually takes a serious effort to not offend someone. The point of creativity is that it expresses the ideas and visions of other people, unless you are not an individual, you're going to have somethings in your li'head that others will not agree with and generally will entirely hate and despise. The problem isn't that people just get offended easily (partly because of the outrageously hypocritical anti-bullying movement), it's that some states (and of course areas OUTSIDE the United States) actually consider censoring content that is deemed "not appropriate". We all know of the movie "Cannibal Holocaust", I didn't exactly enjoy that movie at all, but it's just a movie, not going to get PTSD from simply watching a DVD. At the end of the day, nobody got killed and it's just plain fiction. Just remember, fiction is suppose to be in contrast to your own world, it's about the escape, that's why we love Fallout, because it shows an alternative world that we can move into and escape our own boring and highly over-exaggerated civilizations.
Anyhow, merely just a constructive rant, how about some nice classic music?