Slender movie


Still Mildly Glowing

Might be hard to pull off, but if done right this could be a pretty good movie.
Hi, the name's RiC.

I have to agree with Walpknut. It's that fine line between something being so obscure that you have nobody to talk about it with and that same thing becoming so trendy that it loses its mystique.

Usually I can accept underappreciated things I love becoming mainstream (like my beloved Muse...the band I mean) but the thing with Slenderman is that there was no real canon so it's in the hands of anyone who wants to do something with shamelessly cash in. I've already seen cheap Xbox Live games based on the brand and, well, futile as I know it is, I wish it wouldn't become a brand.

As Walpknut says, such is the internet; it's not like it stood any chance of remaining a campfire tale or urban legend. I just hope they realise the subtle psychological appeal of the myth - it's best when nobody really knows what Slenderman wants or does; he's faceless and that instantly plays on our fear of the unknown. Is he even evil? Again, unknown is the key. Those who say "he abducts kids" destroy the premise of the legend in my view.

If nothing else, all I ask in that they go with the perfect slogan (not my creation) which is:

don't run