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    Scripting a new PipBoy

    The Clue feature for the Pip-Boy could be done like a regular notebook, entering whatever you want on various entries like in Google Drive or a text file.
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Is it odd to think that some Fallout Fixt changes could be carried over into Fallout 2? The features are notably for Super Mutants burnt to death, the knuckles having unique sprites, flares lighting up more, companion dialogue for IN <= 4 characters to avoid obvious problems, the "bonus...
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    The Burrows was almost obviously undeveloped, it got scrapped shortly.
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    Jim's In-Game Item Generator and Map Teleporter

    Dang it, the resolution mod from Mash blocks your UI mods for real Jim.… Where is that dang source code for the resolution mod so as to fix its conflicting with this mod and the inventory sorting one, if it never comes to be we'll have to wait until Falltergeist where the resolutions are built-in.
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    Fallout 1 mod Restored good endings addon

    Question Sduibek: is the Hub ending fix kinda based on the events of the cancelled Fallout movie? The movie treatment mentions Decker (or Dekker, per the spelling) being in contact with the super mutants, but that he's also the bad "mayor" of the Hub.
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    New animations 2

    Man, I have to admit those Extra Tribal Critters could be handy for Mr. Cruz in San Fran. He doesn't look right having a mohawk-esque style unlike the regular Dude critter, who looks so unique compared to his other friends.… And boy, Falltergeist will need support for varying palettes to...
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    Can we (sort of) make Fallout object oriented?

    Which project is it? Timeslip's Cross engine fallout was abandoned from what I was told, when I (as Fox Wernicke with the Facebook login) mentioned it. I saw it on this page, and then someone else told me about Falltergeist… what about the FOnline engine though?
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    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    The next concern would be converting the FO1 maps and proto files to FO2's format, man. In the weapons' case, is it enough to just reuse some of them? I can't say I have anything against the 1 extra AP nerf for the turbo plasma rifle in FO2.
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    New animations 2

    Olympus F2 lady critter makes the redhair tribal girl look good, considering the ponytails are mere recolors of the redhaired vault dweller and metal armor girl.
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    New animations 2

    I believe I know why individual sprites were created for each critter spriteset: to avoid using weaponry they're not supposed to, like the Helmet mod for Restoration Project that does crazy stuff if another critter is temporarily "dude_obj", which can result in them using the Hero Androgynous...
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    Fallout 2 - Unlimited Companions mod for RP 2.3.2?

    Don't forget about the key for looting: a hit on the keyboard key for that allows someone like me to quickly pick up an item even if it's hidden under scenery!… I wish that was not a problem in the first place, seeing that in some places you *cannot* recover even a throwing knife on a carpet.
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    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    Nice to have some extra sprites for the NFMAXX critter, I really feel the need for extra firepower to give the companions significant use with their metadata tag skills. Katja has Energy Weapons and Big Guns (but is not strong enough to use the latter without drugs or power armor and has no...
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    Jim's In-Game Item Generator and Map Teleporter

    Don't worry Jim, I apologize for the discomfort. It's a little joking friendliness to praise your work that might make Sfall into a hybrid kind of Mapper.… A question is, will this possibly get built-into Falltergeist or any other Fallout engine recreation? It's pretty hard to have a lot of fun...
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    Jim's In-Game Item Generator and Map Teleporter

    Looking good as always, phobos2077. Hopefully critter creation and team setting "might?" be possible for others besides Jim here? He did use it to showcase NPCs looting.
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    Jim's In-Game Item Generator and Map Teleporter

    This could be great, though I wish you could've used the text from PRO_ITEM.MSG because that's the correct one.