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  1. Little Robot

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    I'm reading The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson-- it's very good. I'm really into the book, and even the part I thought would be less interesting (the architecture/politics behind the Exposition) is really well-written and enjoyable. I'd definitely recommend it.
  2. Little Robot

    [FNV | REL] Vault Girl HUD (FINISHED 01/13)

    For what will this be used? Is it designed to replace the standard PIPboy icons for a female character? I can definitely see these in the game, they fit well with the PIPboy style.
  3. Little Robot

    Talking Heads

    I think that's a good idea, Pixote. I'm no modder, but I think that Continuum ought to abandon his current WIP talking heads to create something like this:
  4. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    The way that the electoral college system governs presidential elections, for example, means that third party candidates can basically never win, no matter how much of the vote they get. In order to actually win, third party candidates would need (if I remember correctly) a plurality in the...
  5. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    I'm not saying that the system of voting should be replaced with some system which magically elects the politician who cares most about America. I'm saying that the current system encourages politicians who are willing to debase their beliefs and water down their politics in order to go through...
  6. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    I agree with you that the two-party system clearly has many problems. Forcing candidates through two very strong, established parties only ensures that we'll get outdated party dogma designed to get votes instead of candidates who actually care about the future and people of the country. But...
  7. Little Robot

    Classic car owners, anyone?

    No, I'm seriously not being sarcastic. I really like that sort of car, and just because we disagree in certain political stances doesn't mean that we can't enjoy the same sorts of vehicles. Sorry if you interpret it that way. :shrug:
  8. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    Sorry, DB. I was definitely out of line. I got frustrated with this debate and made a dumb post. The reason I assumed those things was because of your claims of the "liberal bias" of all reporting. These are usually the ideas spouted by conservative pundits (and, frankly, ideas that I had...
  9. Little Robot

    Classic car owners, anyone?

    Boy, DB, your cars were really neat. It's a shame that you don't have any of them now, but they must have been cool while they lasted.
  10. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    Really? Because it seems to me that all you've been doing with my posts has been cherrypicking. You've never commented on any of the times I mentioned that I believe that the Tea Party is a legitimate political organization which was not run by racists, but instead took apart semantics and...
  11. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    Hey, BN, I edited my post. I think that you read the one which I had written before I noticed your question/comment. Basically, I don't think that it should be a big deal or a big worry, or discredit the Tea Party as a political movement. However, it does exist and there's not really a...
  12. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    @DB: No, you misunderstand. I guess that I could have been clearer, but let me lay it out. 1) There are racists in the world who want to attack Obama in some way. 2) There are legitimate rallies which attack Obama for actual reasons. 3) The racists, although a very small minority, are...
  13. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    Sure, I'm happy to say that there are racists at the protests against Justice Thomas as well. I'm not saying that they're exclusive to the Tea Party by any means. Any situation where a black person is being attacked will probably attract racists, regardless of party. I never said that racism...
  14. Little Robot

    funniest moments from fallout games

    Well, if you have better criticals or something you can get an instakill on a crit no matter how much damage you do, as long as you are lucky. In fact, you can kill things even while doing zero damage.
  15. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    Sure, but it's not as if Governor Walker is well known for cracking down on pedophilia, or as if the crowd is protesting (for the most part) the governor's general "policies" rather than this one specific piece of legislation he supports. On the other hand, Barack Obama is famously the first...
  16. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    "almost certainly" Come on, DB. I'm being perfectly reasonable here. Think, if you were a racist and you wanted to attack the black president in some way, wouldn't you join a group holding giant rallies specifically designed to attack the president? That's my reasoning. It's not as if I'm...
  17. Little Robot

    My Character Builds (as of 2011-02-21) and Progress

    This probably ought to go in the "gameplay and tech" forum, as it is a gameplay-related topic and not a "Fallout universe" topic. Maybe that's incorrect, though.
  18. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    You may want to read it again, DB. All I said was that the Tea Party rallies almost certainly had a small minority of racists who seized the party as an easy way to vent their anger. I'm not saying that all Tea Party members are racist-- in fact, I specifically said that wasn't the case.
  19. Little Robot

    Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money DLC released on Steam

    It's not showing up for purchase for me. Where would the "buy" button be located on the page?