[FNV | REL] Vault Girl HUD (FINISHED 01/13)


Still Mildly Glowing
Fallout 3 + DLC: FINISHED



For what will this be used? Is it designed to replace the standard PIPboy icons for a female character?

I can definitely see these in the game, they fit well with the PIPboy style.
Little Robot said:
For what will this be used? Is it designed to replace the standard PIPboy icons for a female character?

I can definitely see these in the game, they fit well with the PIPboy style.

You got it. I'm working to replace all Vault Boy references with Vault Girl, which includes everything on the Pipboy (karma, perks, traits, items, status) and on the HUD. I'm tired of the only other replacement being terrible anime girls.
This is actually a very good ide for a mod, you are right, all those terrible "Moe" shit that they put in mods is just awful, so far they look pretty good.
Base apparel is finished - not including F3 or NV DLC content. Original post updated with check list of completed and WIP.
Only saw this today. :oops:

Great idea, it always bug me when playing a female courier the icons displayed are a man.

So far I've completely ignored the facial expressions for nearly all the weapons. Once I'm done, I'll go back and fix them to match the original.
This is so good! Is it done? If not can we see some progress? Can't wait to use it! :D
Medibee said:
This is so good! Is it done? If not can we see some progress? Can't wait to use it! :D

yeah, currently stuck at the moment. i have most if not all of the fallout 3 gui done, but have no way to test it because for whatever reason it doesn't work on my computer.

i have just the perks left for new vegas, but the progress for that is moving slow. give me a day or so and i'll upload a few shots of the perks for ya'.
warsaw said:
Medibee said:
This is so good! Is it done? If not can we see some progress? Can't wait to use it! :D

yeah, currently stuck at the moment. i have most if not all of the fallout 3 gui done, but have no way to test it because for whatever reason it doesn't work on my computer.

i have just the perks left for new vegas, but the progress for that is moving slow. give me a day or so and i'll upload a few shots of the perks for ya'.

Can't wait! Also, you said that you couldn't test it because it doesn't work on your computer. I'd be glad to test it!

it's not that big a deal, as new vegas works fine, and most of the icons are shared between the games. it basically just boils down to whether or not they're installed to the right directories, and whether or not fallout 3 uses any icons that new vegas doesn't.

the moment i'm done with the perks, though, i'll throw you a message.
Thanks, also for the Ferocious Loyalty and Spray 'n Pray perks are you going to swap vault boy and vault girl?
i just took a look at both of those. i have one finished and one waiting to be done, but i think initially i was planning on leaving it as is. right now i'm kind of up in the air, but leaning on changing it so there's less confusion.

edit: also, sorry for the late reply. went camping for a while. have all weekend to work on this, though.