Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money DLC released on Steam

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Get your red hots, for 9.99 EUR/USD. Availability depends on your region, so it might take a while for it to unlock for you.<blockquote>About the Game
As the victim of a raw deal you must work alongside three other captured wastelanders to recover the legendary treasure of the Sierra Madre Casino. In Dead Money, your life hangs in the balance as you face new terrain, foes, and choices. It is up to you how you play your cards in the quest to survive.

Welcome to the Sierra Madre Casino! The casino’s mythical contents are lusted after by desperate wasteland scavengers, who tell stories of intact treasure of the old world buried deep within its vault. Lured here by a mysterious radio signal advertising the long-awaited grand opening of the casino, you are thrown into a high stakes game where you’ll have to work with three other lost souls if you want to survive.

Key Features:
Take part in a suspenseful post-apocalyptic casino heist in which you’ll need to work with three companions, each of whom has their own motivation for helping you.
Add hours of extended gameplay where you’ll encounter the mysterious Ghost People, pre-war death traps and the holographic security system of the Sierra Madre.
Navigate your way through a challenging new storyline, with even tougher choices.
New perks, achievements, and a raised level cap to 35!</blockquote>The Vault has found more hints to the second DLC in the game files, but there's not a lot of new, interesting stuff in there.
Still busy playing the game after I got it six hours ago but so far I am more positive about this DLC than over the FO3 ones which I reviewed a couple of years ago.

I had some time to think about the FO3 ones and I think I would be even more negative about them if I wrote new reviews today.
The Pitt was decent, Point Lookout excellent, Broken Steel average, the rest horrible..
I hope some of FNV DLC will be like Point Lookout with large new explorable area and good atmosphere.
Played it already a bit. So far it's ok. The dog <-> god thingy is made interesting. It's not pretty difficult yet, though it might be because of my level 29 character or because I am only ~1 hour in.
I received the DLC from a generous friend earlier today. My current character is only level 14 so I'm going to play the main game a bit longer before I enter the abandoned bunker.
Would be playing it but the update mucked up, probably got fritzed by NVSE or something so reinstalling it at the moment.
Well it is finaly released here i nColombia, now I have to go to the bank and deposit money, I witdrew it yesterday like an idiot.
Finished it. Overall it was pretty good. I liked the characters and even started to hate some, after I've heard the full story about everything. The foreshadowing stuff was great too. For the whole thing, I needed approx 6 hours, so I'll guess one can say the 10 euro have been ok.

It was't as difficult as I thought it will be. Seriously, after all the whining I expected a lot... Didn't even had to reload all the time, just close to the end a few tries have been needed. But even this wasn't that worse.

Bugs, I found none. Or let's say, I didn't saw any.
Lexx said:
Finished it. Overall it was pretty good. I liked the characters and even started to hate some, after I've heard the full story about everything. The foreshadowing stuff was great too. For the whole thing, I needed approx 6 hours, so I'll guess one can say the 10 euro have been ok.

It was't as difficult as I thought it will be. Seriously, after all the whining I expected a lot... Didn't even had to reload all the time, just close to the end a few tries have been needed. But even this wasn't that worse.

Bugs, I found none. Or let's say, I didn't saw any.

Did you encounter any frame rate issue? Because it's horrible on my pc (and i went through New Vegas without any issue at all)
Yes, it's stuttering in quite a lot parts of the game. My guess is that it's the particle effect for the red cloud. It's annoying, but luckily didn't really influenced my playing style.

On a side note, I've updated my FNV no-dialog-tags-mod with an additional file for Dead Money.
Lexx said:
Yes, it's stuttering in quite a lot parts of the game. My guess is that it's the particle effect for the red cloud. It's annoying, but luckily didn't really influenced my playing style.

On a side note, I've updated my FNV no-dialog-tags-mod with an additional file for Dead Money.

Thanks for the answer. It's a relief to know my pc didn't suddenly crack or something. Concerning your mod...nice stuff dude! Right like in the good old times. I'm sure that changes the mood of the game a lot, since, as you say, no one clicks on an answer knowing he/she is going to fail. I'll be using it in my next playthrough for sure!
Playing it so far and it doesen't seem that hard. The Ghost People are way less of a problem than a friend of mine said. Body parts fall of so easily their "We'll be back" power doesen't make much of an impact.
Also some mods that fix things like the weapons not using perks are already out so huzzah for the PC version.
Does the german version even work?
You can't sever limbs off humanoid enemies in the german version, that could be a problem :D
9.99 USD = 7.29 EUR according to the current exchange rates, yet Steam once again blatantly raises the Euro price.