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  1. Little Robot

    Fallout: New Vegas nominated for WGA award

    *sigh* Portal had some great lines. I hope that Portal 2 lives up to it. I liked TAG: The Power of Paint, but I'm not certain how much I like the idea of the paint integrated in the Portal game. Environments look cool though.
  2. Little Robot

    New Age of Decadence gameplay video

    Well, yes, but I hated the Arcanum UI. It was clunky and it made the game very difficult to play. Removed from some of the fun I think.
  3. Little Robot

    New Age of Decadence gameplay video

    It does look interesting, and I'd also be curious about whether the GUI will be changed at all. There's a ton of stuff crammed in there and sometimes simpler is more intuitive imo.
  4. Little Robot

    Fallout: New Vegas nominated for WGA award

    Yeah, it seems a little arbitrary. He's answered all of my "not very interesting" questions but ignored the serious ones. :shrug:
  5. Little Robot

    Fallout: New Vegas developers posts round-up

    Hey, nothing wrong with shady! The first person to steal and release all the incomplete Van Buren code from Beth will become a national hero at NMA, I think... :wink:
  6. Little Robot

    Fallout: New Vegas developers posts round-up

    Oh, so that's what it was for. I was curious why that "program" was installed. Are there any patches that fix the bug?
  7. Little Robot

    Mark Morgan's "Vault Archives" available again

    I noticed in my local mega-store that the "Fallout Collection" of Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics has a big "COPYRIGHT BETHESDA SOFTWORKS AND ZENIMAX MEDIA" on it or something. Pretty lame...
  8. Little Robot

    What's the logic behind AP usage?

    It's possible that the decreased AP is just another thing that makes the gun better, although I agree that it's a big difference. But I seem to recall some pretty good guns in FO2 (maybe Gauss Pistol) were faster to fire than the 10mm pistol you get at the beginning.
  9. Little Robot

    Fallout: New Vegas developers posts round-up

    Well, you could be right although I think that I usually first got the laser pistols in New Reno in FO2, and in the BoS in FO1. I didn't visit many traders for things other than ammo, though. Ok, I'll be honest. I mostly just wanted to use the "hammer" emoticon. :violent: Tee hee.
  10. Little Robot

    Fallout 1 on Windows 7.

    Yay, I'm in that thread! This is the program I used, and it worked pretty nicely. I also added it to my original post because JUST BECAUSE.
  11. Little Robot

    How in the hell can they say this game is Faction balanced?

    Well, if Beth makes the next Fallout game then there will certainly be something about it in there! :lol:
  12. Little Robot

    About to do Yes Man

    Aw, that's bogus. If you get a chance you should reload the save right before the "no turning back" point-- it's really cool to [spoiler:741037c2b4]take down the legion camp with Cannibal Johnson spraying minigun fire all over the place.[/spoiler:741037c2b4]
  13. Little Robot

    About to do Yes Man

    Really? I think that it looks pretty good, especially compared to the transition from FO1/2 to FO3 PA design. Maybe a little less bulky but still pretty good imo. And I also really liked [spoiler:54bdbb143c]getting help in the final battle. Those dudes were really cool and I especially...
  14. Little Robot

    New Loading/Splash Images (and other cool post-apoc art)

    Cafe of Broken dreams (another once from the same artist) could probably work too.
  15. Little Robot

    About to do Yes Man

    Stick with Arcade Gannon because the reward from his companion quest is awesome.
  16. Little Robot

    Deserted island

    Yeah, things like that are pretty cool. I would like to explore some place like that one day, but I'm afraid that it won't happen. Too scared of getting arrested for trespassing or falling through a rotten floor or something... :shrug: In New Orleans there is a big abandoned Six Flags...
  17. Little Robot

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Wait, I can't tell if you mean the Insane Clown Posse, any number of major religions, or even certain political factions! Help!
  18. Little Robot

    FOOL developer quotes round-up

    Thanks for cluing me in, I hadn't found the site. Although it looks like the download link is broken (for me at least). What sort of PDA's does it support? There are a bunch of different PDA operating systems, right? Off the top of my head there's at least PalmOS and Windows Mobile.
  19. Little Robot

    FOOL developer quotes round-up

    Oh, me too, if I had an iPad. Oh well. Wasn't there some conversion for Fallout on mobile phones at some point? Called POCKET FALLOUT or something?