Stanislao Moulinsky
Vault Fossil

This is a minor thing that really affects only few weapons (FO3 was a bit worse in this) but what's the logic used to assign AP usage to weapons? One would think it would be tied to Damage or DPS (for semi-automatic/automatic weapons) but then, in what is probably the most extreme case, there is the Hunting Rifle. Compare it with the most powerful rifle in the game, the Brush Gun:
Brush gun
-Damage 75
-DPS 138
-AP 23
Hunting rifle
-Damage 45
-DPS 35
-AP 60
What the hell?
I understand that you can equip it with a scope and use it as a sniper rifle but...
Sniper rifle
-Damage 42
-DPS 67
-AP 38
This is the most extreme case but there are other "inferior" weapons that for some reason use more APs (sometime a lot more) than stronger weapons. My question is, there some kind of math behind or they were just throwing around the numbers they felt were right?
Brush gun
-Damage 75
-DPS 138
-AP 23
Hunting rifle
-Damage 45
-DPS 35
-AP 60
What the hell?

Sniper rifle
-Damage 42
-DPS 67
-AP 38
This is the most extreme case but there are other "inferior" weapons that for some reason use more APs (sometime a lot more) than stronger weapons. My question is, there some kind of math behind or they were just throwing around the numbers they felt were right?