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  1. Little Robot

    The Official Fallout JRPG Demake

    I hope that some people branch out from NMA and become like the Brotherhood of FO3, running around and saving old ladies' cats from trees. Boy would that be funny... ha... ha... ... ha... :cry:
  2. Little Robot

    Trader stuck in Novac

    That wouldn't be helpful, as he's playing on Xbox. I would say that you should just leave him alone or kill him. There are so many traders, travelling and stationary, that you probably won't miss a single one. By the time I got to the Strip, I was trading exclusively with the Freeside...
  3. Little Robot

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Oh, so that is what's under that Power Armor! 8.6/10
  4. Little Robot

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Woo, I have a new avatar. Faceless stranger gets a 8.792/10 for keeping with the "faceless" theme.
  5. Little Robot

    Deploying NMA vets!

    U-S-A! U-S-A! Has that ever been used in battle?
  6. Little Robot

    Best way to reveal Necropolis location

    Hm, I swear that there is some character who gives you the location for free. It isn't Ian, is it? I know that he tells you about certain cities.
  7. Little Robot

    Tesla Cannon?!

    Do you know what Jury Rigging is? It's a perk which allows weapons/items to be repaired by other items of similar types.
  8. Little Robot

    Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money reviews round-up #2

    I agree. Simple writing is not necessarily bad writing-- even an absence of writing is not necessarily "bad." Games that are gameplay-focused are allowed to stick writing in the back seat, so can get away with a little bit of cheesiness. However, games like Fallout 3, which focus largely on...
  9. Little Robot

    Nonsensical Elements in Fallout 3

    Wow, those are some amazing ideas.
  10. Little Robot

    Fallout: New Vegas Steam sale

    If you're actually messing with Cthulhu, life-ending bugs are easy to encounter... just think of any bugs you find as part of the experience! :wink:
  11. Little Robot

    Fallout: New Vegas Steam sale

    Oh wow, I hadn't even heard of that game. The IGN review is hilarous:
  12. Little Robot

    Instacrash on Opening game

    Ok-- I just installed New Vegas and now I'm having a major problem. When I open the game for the first time, it loads fine and I'm happy as a clam. But then when I click "new game," it starts to play the intro (I can see the moon in the video) but then blacks out and crashes to desktop. I...
  13. Little Robot

    Dead Money *spolier* How to get all of prize at the end.

    Ah ha, I understand it now! That's pretty clever, actually, even though it seems to ruin the "twist" at the end which encourages gamers to let go of the material wealth. :shrug:
  14. Little Robot

    Bethesda claims Interplay could only use the Fallout name

    Ok, maybe not so much business sense in the long term I guess-- although Beth has proven itself in the past to be sort of sneaky at acquiring people's stuff (at least, that's the biased impression I get). Yes: VS However, the stuff from Fallout Online that's been released so far seems...
  15. Little Robot

    Bethesda claims Interplay could only use the Fallout name

    They are allowed to make a "Fallout" game-- one called "Fallout." Just not one that has anything to do with Fallout. :wink: Bethesda doesn't want them to create a Fallout game-- that's the point. It is pretty sneaky but, as I said before, it makes good business sense.
  16. Little Robot

    Xbox360Achievements seems to like Dead Money

    The whole idea of those dumb speakers makes me wonder why the evil mastermind doesn't change the collar's frequency. Is there an in-game explanation?
  17. Little Robot

    Bethesda claims Interplay could only use the Fallout name

    That would be funny. Except that it would probably become pretty popular, given the apparent target market of Beth's Fallout games... :wink:
  18. Little Robot

    Dead Money *spolier* How to get all of prize at the end.

    Wow, I really didn't understand much of this. Commas are your friend. Is this a bug exploit? Or is it an intentional ending to the DLC?
  19. Little Robot

    A few quick F2 questions....

    Can't you become a prostitute in New Reno as a female character? Isn't that one way to get to the Stables?
  20. Little Robot

    Bethesda claims Interplay could only use the Fallout name

    I should buy some IPLY stock just to be able to say I'm a disappointed stockholder... :crazy: