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  1. ThatZenoGuy

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    They also made all the women in The Outer Worlds insufferable and dyke-like. For some stupid reason. Because that's what I want to see when I play video games, ugly dyke women which I can see a dozen of if I just take a brisk stroll outside.
  2. ThatZenoGuy

    Examples of retarded Fallout 76 weapons

    Listing a couple here to start the thread, as the caught my eye the most. Firstly, the Gatling gun. Firstly the weapon would be exceedingly rare even unmodified for human use, the fact that enemies randomly spawn with this thing is ridiculous. It'd be like multiple of Lincolns Repeater...
  3. ThatZenoGuy

    Anyone else hate blatant national bias in a video game?

    Lately battleships have been added to War Thunder, and let me just tally up some numbers for you. Helgoland (best German battleship in game currently) 8 Gun Broadside with either 296mm (at 10k meters) 13.6kg TNT filler, or 101mm with 27mm Zero (0) AA of any kind. 300mm of max armor, not...
  4. ThatZenoGuy

    Frank Horrigan vs FO4 factions

    The main factions of FO4 all unite with everything they have (excluding the non-functioning Liberty Prime), and face Frank Horrigan in his glorious mutant cyborg form. Could they actually beat him? Speaking from the lore, as of course gameplay is different. Nothing short of a Plasma Rifle...
  5. ThatZenoGuy

    Battleborn to blunderborn

    I think I finally had a small smile while reading the comics, truly there's some enjoyment to be had when a company has a flop. To quote the top comment. Gearbox can eat shit. ^_^
  6. ThatZenoGuy

    Finally finished my Freespace 2 walkthrough/letsplay (no commentary)

    All 41 missions of the game, recorded. There is a bit of lag and issues in the final missions, I could have lowered the settings to cope, but honestly they're not very common. If you guys have never played the game, this could possibly help.
  7. ThatZenoGuy

    Fallout 2 Jinxed Video Lets Play

    I had a written one here, didn't really continue it, writing events is...Annoying. HOWEVER! With some snazzy new hardware and software, I can record it instead! I'll try to keep commentary not too high, I try to not do stupid memes, stupid big-youtuber stuff, just talking about what I see in...
  8. ThatZenoGuy

    Would it be cool if Fallout had a STALKER-esque AI controller?

    A-Life, the STALKER AI system, means that every creature, NPC, etc, has its own paths which they use to go anywhere on the map, no dedicated 'this area has this enemy, this one has this one' stuff. Would Fallout be neat if it had such a system? Deathclaw packs patrolling around, possibly coming...
  9. ThatZenoGuy

    Stalker: Misery (Part 2, destroying bandit scum) (Finally released Episode 2...DX)

    If any of you stalker fans play Misery, this might show some tips and tricks.
  10. ThatZenoGuy

    I just realised how unoriginal Bethesda is...

    Fallout 1=You are a vault dweller. Fallout 2=You are tribal. Fallout 3=You are vault dweller. Fallout new vegas=You are a courier. Fallout 4= You are a vault dweller. Notice how 'proper' fallouts have 1 game, and 1 game only where you are from a vault, while so far both of the fucking...
  11. ThatZenoGuy

    Is Jinxed overpowered?

    From gecko crippling themselves from missing, to raiders dropping their guns for easy loot and victories, to boxers falling over from missing and making you instantly win, is Jinxed OP? My current character, with 10 luck (Zeta scan, fuck yeah!), and Jinxed, is comically powerful when enemies...
  12. ThatZenoGuy

    Fallout 2 Tweaks, no scoped accuracy reduction, is reducing total accuracy?

    I installed only the 'no scope recuction' part, which apparently is supposed to remove the debuff to accuracy from the scoped hunting rifle, but seemingly it's just removed the scoped bonus entirely, so its just like a normal hunting rifle. Is this normal? Or am I missing something? Normally I...
  13. ThatZenoGuy

    The adventures of Zeno. (Fallout 2)

    It begins.
  14. ThatZenoGuy

    Some gems from the "Damage Threshold" fallout wiki page.

    Obvious that neither have actually played Fallout 1-2, or NV...Deathclaws are armoured, as are "Tough" giant ants in fallout 2 (resistance against laser, and threshold against explosives). I find it amusing with the "Muh high fire rate low damage weapon does nothing to armoured targets...
  15. ThatZenoGuy

    Fallout 1-2, areas which are tedious or overly long.

    What areas in particular do you think are too tedious for their own good, and why do you think this is? Trying to think of Fallout 1 and 2, and comparing the Radscorpion caves in 1 (easy, quick, not tedious, especially with Ian), to the rat caves in Gecko, which are quite tedious, and honestly...
  16. ThatZenoGuy

    Multiplayer Cancer, multiplayer is killing games.

    Think about a multiplayer experience, what is the things which will always occur? -Griefers -Enemy MinMaxxers who stomp everyone -Killing on sight for no apparent reason -Grinding DayZ, Rust, Ark, WoW, CoD, Halo, anything with multiplayer has these issues (Killing on sight being an inate part...
  17. ThatZenoGuy

    State of gaming: Early 2017. "Mass Effect Andromeda"

    They'll never learn, will they?
  18. ThatZenoGuy

    Fallout 4's weapons lacking variety?

    Designs and such aside, does anyone find the lack of weapons annoying? I mean, technically all you want is the highest DPS, because DT doesn't exist, but there's so many missing weapons! NV had lever action shotguns, LMG's, brushguns, hunting revolvers, 12.7mm SMG's, all kinds of nice weapons...
  19. ThatZenoGuy

    For Honour...2017 and still using Peer To Peer multiplayer.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh I feel sorry for the stupid-fucks who bought this piece of shit.
  20. ThatZenoGuy

    Temple of Trials, a badly designed area, or a stroke of genius?

    Most games start you off in an easy place, Fallout 1 did this with nothing but some tiny rats to beat up. Fallout 2 starts you off against quite dangerous odds, giant ants which, while weak, can quite easily take your small health point reserve down to zero. Many people I see on reddit, some...