Search results

  1. Cobra Commander

    What do you think happened to the Mordinos?

    We know from some information in NV that the Wright family vie for power with the Van Graffs in Reno and also that the Bishop family are still something, with their boss being the son of Chosen One. And the Salvatore family were probably all killed by the Wrights or Mordinos after the fall of...
  2. Cobra Commander

    Microsoft will buy Obsidian (apparently)

    Microsoft is finalizing a deal to acquire the independent development studio Obsidian Entertainment, according to three people briefed on the negotiations. We don’t know if ink is on paper yet, and plenty of major acquisition deals have fallen apart in the final hours, but those close to the...
  3. Cobra Commander

    I was thinking here.....

    Who the hell arrested Sheriff Meyers? NCR? It's not as if Primm were under their jurisdiction. Maybe chasing after a criminal did he end up killing him on Mojave Outpost or something?
  4. Cobra Commander

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

    Meowth, that's right! ======================= That's it. No more info. Maybe in E3? Opinions?
  5. Cobra Commander

    RAGE 2 – Announce Trailer

    huuummmm.......ok? I just wanted to know who the hell asked for this sequence.
  6. Cobra Commander

    NCR vs Legion

    It is the battle of the better warrior against the most better equipped. 99 troopers and a veteran ranger vs 33 recruits, 33 primes, 33 veterans and 1 centurion. Open field, daylight, 100 meters of distance. Standard gear. Who wins?
  7. Cobra Commander

    Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

    Hello. I'm making a mod for the Legion, which is based on the concept of the Centurion's armor, which is to use parts of other armor to build his own. I already have a lot of them ready, but I am in doubt as to some other, which I will expose here. (open in a new tab this image to enlarge it)...
  8. Cobra Commander

    Bethesda: Save the Single Player games =========================================================== What do you think?
  9. Cobra Commander

    Dwarf are really a new species in Fallout?

    We can see a bunch of them in 1 and 2, but none in others games. Wikia say that they are a new specie Do you think that's right, or are they just normal real life dwarfs?
  10. Cobra Commander

    Travel California/Boston

    I was thinking here. How long do you think Kellogg took to get to Boston? He lived in ... NCR? If I remember correctly? Can this trip be made by the sea? (I'm not native to the US, I do not know territory and routes) Considering motorbikes and cars involved, 6 mounths is a good time?
  11. Cobra Commander

    Has the Mods community really failed in F4?

    I've seen here and there some people talking about that the F4 mods are weak and the modders are dropping out, as well as some talented NV / Skyrim era refuse to make mods for F4 (I read that Someoneguy hated F4 and will not make mod for this game). I took a look at the Nexus and it looks okay...
  12. Cobra Commander

    Buy real life!

    Apparently, Nipton is for sale. Since there´s no Legion there, it may be a good deal =p If Nipton falls into your hands, make sure you...
  13. Cobra Commander

    Hello friends. Come and meet my mod for FNV.

    Hello guys. I'm bored here, so I decided to share a mod I'm creating. It's nothing special, it not change your gameplay, it does not have custom meshes, but it's honest. At first it would be a quest mod : A secret tournament between factions, with lots of humor inserted. The courier would...
  14. Cobra Commander

    There is something silly in Fallout New Vegas

    1) Sierra Madre vending machine is the most lore break thing in the entire franchise. Sinclair could not only prevent the war, but solve all the problems in the world. Urgh. No. That said, I love Dead Money hehe. 2) teleport is NOT a Fallout thing. Period. Same for F4, but in this case is only...
  15. Cobra Commander

    [F3 Exercise Number 1] Fixing Little Lamplight

    Let´s have some fun. In this first exercise NMA will (try) fix Little Lamplight. I started: 1) Origin: HH Showed how a bunch of children can survive "alone." This story that their teachers died and blablabla is stupid. Instead, someone like the Survivalist could have helped them in the...
  16. Cobra Commander

    [Spoilers] I need to know some things about the Beastlords

    Hello. I´m trying to create my first NV mod. It will be silly and lore-breaking, but even so, I need a help to write a Beastlord char, never played FT. 1) what are their goals? 2) They are cannibals, right? Exclusive cannibals? 3) Were they all dead? 4) They control more then one animal at...