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  1. Uber Morpth

    New Fallout Fan's First Playthrough Of Fallout 1/2

    Recently I completed my first Fallout 1 playthrough and currently on Fallout 2, I must say as both these games are from the late 90s they surprisingly hold up in the graphical and gameplay department along with the role-play elements. I'll just be listing a few noteworthy things about each game...
  2. Uber Morpth

    First time with Fallout 1 & Fallout 2

    So I seen both Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are super cheap on GOG right now like 3$ each so 6$ in total, I never played them or any other turn based rpg before but I always have been interested in them from the gameplay, story and the role-playing they have to offer. For any veteran's here how would...
  3. Uber Morpth

    New Vegas in 2020

    Aside from the usual buggyness that comes with new vegas (the god awful default fov I managed to tweak via config files, loading bugs and some crashing) I been having a good time getting back into this game. So far I only done Honest Heart's and Dead Money currently on Old World Blues and I...
  4. Uber Morpth

    Blumhouse's Halloween Film (2018)

    At first I was quiet worried with it being like most of Blumhouse's"s other horror film's (If you ever seen any of there early works) But to my disbelief It was surprisingly good, not as good as the orginals but it looked and felt the most close to John Carpenter's Halloween then the sequels or...
  5. Uber Morpth

    The Thing (1982) or The Thing (2011)

    John Carpenter's The Thing is probably my favorite horror film from is great cast, pratical effects and tone, I always had heard that the 2011 version of the thing was quiet bad but never actually seen it till today. I can sort of understand what they wree trying to do but I feel due to how...
  6. Uber Morpth

    Has fallout as a franchise become morrally bankrupt from the acquisition by Bethesda back in 2004?

    I recently watched RedLetterMedia's Half In The Bag video on Star Wars The Last Jedi, and the main theme of there critisim (from Mike and Rich) is the fact that star wars has become so iconic and popular is lost any potential in creating anything new, the example they use is the main plot...
  7. Uber Morpth

    Getting both Great Bear and Red Victory grenade rifles In Lonesome Road while still being with NCR?

    For my explosive character I look to get every explosion esc weapon cause I'm sort of a collective freak, I know you can get both of them from nuking both NCR and Legion but is it possible to still be on the NCR good side? (So far my reputation with them is Accepted) Could I also just do...
  8. Uber Morpth

    Another post for Critique/Review Of Fallout 4?

    So I recently bought Fallout 4 GOTY out of morbid curiosity to see for myself all the things people say about It, now with being 2 days Into it with a character beating the main quest including dlc's I feel I experienced all there can be to do In this game enough to where I like to try my first...
  9. Uber Morpth

    I love Dead Money (First time played through it)

    In terms of level design, character's, story and my favorite aspect of the dlc the atmosphere, it was literally one of the best I ever experienced In a game and my favorite area in any of the Fallout games (second probably be Dunwich Building from Fallout 3, yes something l liked from that game...
  10. Uber Morpth

    I'm (Slightly) considering getting Fallout 4 GOTY Edition

    Now course I did play Fallout 4's base game when it came out since at the time my brother just got his Xbox One and the first game he got was Fallout 4 (This was back when me and him where still Bethestard fans not anymore) I remembered just having lots fun with exploring, collecting and...