Uber Morpth
First time out of the vault

Recently I completed my first Fallout 1 playthrough and currently on Fallout 2, I must say as both these games are from the late 90s they surprisingly hold up in the graphical and gameplay department along with the role-play elements. I'll just be listing a few noteworthy things about each game for what I liked/disliked.
Gameplay: I'll be honest at first I was thinking I'm gonna heavily dislike the turn based combat system but It grew on me overtime and I eventually liked it, one good thing is got going is the fact it requires some amount of thought to how you engage the enemy or don't with the conversation system, in some parts it can get quiet a bit dull with having to wait for the animations to play out (I even played on the games max combat speed and it still felt slow to me).
Another is the V.A.T.S's targeting system which I see much better then in the newer games, not only able to target their eyes/groin and afflicting blindness or knocking them unconscious respectively made me realize how much better the system could of been in the newer games.
Last would be that most semi auto weapon has a normal and or burst fire mode, I liked this as it allows for the different classes of weapons to be unique in their role and whenever to use the single or burst fire in some cases.
Graphics: I genuinely love the art style of both games, any particular character having a talking head made em truly unique compared to the other npc's and they still look great to this day. The sprites also look quiet nice my favorites being the super mutants, when I first saw the mutants were able to one hand a minigun due to their mass strength was an amazing attention to detail (really made me wish the new mutants were more like this.)
I even enjoyed the overworld look of the map, and the towns/settlements themselves highlights were Lost Hill's, Arroyo, NCR, Vault City and Navarro, even in the random encounters areas they would mostly match with the corresponding environment which again is a nice attention to detail.
Role-Playing: I was surprised with a multitude of the choices and options I had even on my first character run (and what other ones might be there I didn't discover yet), getting directions to places in a smart way instead of a map marker, dedicated low int or high int dialogue that would be actually hidden unless you had previous knowledge on the subject by discussing it to others about it instead of a speech skill check, my favorite example has to be with The Master where you can bring up the fact his mutant's were sterile but only if you talked to one of the head paladin scribes about this.
Overall I enjoyed my time with both of these games and as I continue Fallout 2 I imagine I'll love it as much as Fallout 1 or even more as I am so far, even coming from someone who's only played the new fallout games (I love new vegas still but 1 and 2 are up there now in my favorites.)
Gameplay: I'll be honest at first I was thinking I'm gonna heavily dislike the turn based combat system but It grew on me overtime and I eventually liked it, one good thing is got going is the fact it requires some amount of thought to how you engage the enemy or don't with the conversation system, in some parts it can get quiet a bit dull with having to wait for the animations to play out (I even played on the games max combat speed and it still felt slow to me).
Another is the V.A.T.S's targeting system which I see much better then in the newer games, not only able to target their eyes/groin and afflicting blindness or knocking them unconscious respectively made me realize how much better the system could of been in the newer games.
Last would be that most semi auto weapon has a normal and or burst fire mode, I liked this as it allows for the different classes of weapons to be unique in their role and whenever to use the single or burst fire in some cases.
Graphics: I genuinely love the art style of both games, any particular character having a talking head made em truly unique compared to the other npc's and they still look great to this day. The sprites also look quiet nice my favorites being the super mutants, when I first saw the mutants were able to one hand a minigun due to their mass strength was an amazing attention to detail (really made me wish the new mutants were more like this.)
I even enjoyed the overworld look of the map, and the towns/settlements themselves highlights were Lost Hill's, Arroyo, NCR, Vault City and Navarro, even in the random encounters areas they would mostly match with the corresponding environment which again is a nice attention to detail.
Role-Playing: I was surprised with a multitude of the choices and options I had even on my first character run (and what other ones might be there I didn't discover yet), getting directions to places in a smart way instead of a map marker, dedicated low int or high int dialogue that would be actually hidden unless you had previous knowledge on the subject by discussing it to others about it instead of a speech skill check, my favorite example has to be with The Master where you can bring up the fact his mutant's were sterile but only if you talked to one of the head paladin scribes about this.
Overall I enjoyed my time with both of these games and as I continue Fallout 2 I imagine I'll love it as much as Fallout 1 or even more as I am so far, even coming from someone who's only played the new fallout games (I love new vegas still but 1 and 2 are up there now in my favorites.)