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  1. T

    Game Idea/Fanfic Idea Fallout: Working Title

    So i had this idea, (comes from another idea that i saw on reddit) for a Fanfic or even just a Game Idea. It goes like this: You and your friend are both very wealthy in the pre-war world. Your friend is throwing a party with various other people business leaders, actors, actresses, and...
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    So if you leave the Brotherhood of Steel alone in the independent vegas ending what happens?

    So if i choose to tell Yes Man to "Ignore the brotherhood of steel" what happens exactly? do they just continue on in isolation of their bunker aftermath of the battle of hoover dam or do they patrol the roads of i-15 and highway 95 sort of like in the NCR Ending if you ally them with the...
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    The Day Before

    Looks pretty good honestly don't know if i'm interested in it given its a MMO and the zombies don't really look that interesting too me not like The last of us zombies anyway like Clickers that react based on sound/movement of your character or bloaters that throw projectiles or at you if your...
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    Favorite Fallout 4 Quests?

    I thought Human Error and the Last Voyage of the USS Constitution were pretty good quests. The Disappearing Act was pretty good as well.
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    Beyond the Beef vs Pheeble Will

    Which of these quest leads to the best outcomes? Leaving Heck Gunderson alive and continuing to bully people off their land like he did Walter as well as stopping the White Glove Society from eating people. Or Helping Walter kill both Ted/Heck Gunderson putting an end to their empire while...
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    Favorite Fallout New Vegas Quest?

    Mine would have to be Three-Card Bounty, Arcade's Enclave quest, Boone's Bitter Springs Quest, or that Collector's quest for the garrets where you collect their bar tabs for them. DLC Wise it has to be Lonesome Road's or Dead Money's Quests. I liked OWB and HH though i felt they were just...
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    Favorite Fallout 3 Quest

    What's your favorite fallout 3's quest? Mine would have to be Replicated Man or Strictly Business. You gotta shoot'em in the head was pretty good too. I sometimes like to compare Strictly Business sort of towards Three-Card Bounty which was one of my favorite quests from New Vegas ( i love...
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    Next Fallout Game Location?

    I hope it's Texas since i'm from there. Maybe somewhere around the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Metroplex which is where i live. lol.