Search results

  1. PsychoSniper

    M-72 gauss rifle: has anyone found a mod that did it justice ?

    I'm aware the classic weapons pack and other mods add it into the game, but I've yet to find one that did it well. All the ones I've tried for new Vegas make it an energy weapon and use energy ammo rather than 2mm EC, as well as giving it horrible iron sights.
  2. PsychoSniper

    So I watched the first episode of the Fallout TV show.......

    Note: only seen the opening episode so far. Not gona lie, I sat down expecting to hate it. But my biggest gripe was T60 power armor cause T-51b is sexier. Overall, a solid opening. The segment in the vault was well done overall, it portrayed how people living in a vault could seem normal...
  3. PsychoSniper

    My two cents: How bethesda should unfuck itself.

    They need to pick a new area, midwest or texas, and make a *huge*worldsace of connected maps, with a master terrain map based off of irl topography For each major population center, have a map area similar in size to new vegas or Fallout 4, so you have a decent area to explore, and fill in the...
  4. PsychoSniper

    So yesterday was 20 years....

    Wow. We getting old.
  5. PsychoSniper

    How much....

    ... wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  6. PsychoSniper

    A look at an IRL tribal society.

    Ok came across a news article about the lost Roanoke colony, and saw a bit that really applies to the general post appoc setting. Nothing major, but I think the dumv savage aspect of tribals has been overdone a little at times...
  7. PsychoSniper

    Anyone watch TKs-Mantis on youtube ?

    He had a Fallout 2 livestream going tonight.
  8. PsychoSniper

    So anyone wana get a RP thread up again ?

    Yeah I know we dont have as many as in the old days when Welsh was around to run the show, but honestly we only need a few people to at least get something going, details can be worked out later just give a show of hands.
  9. PsychoSniper

    Starting a new restoration patch playthru

    So it's been a long while since I did a full run of FO or FO2, so I figured why the fuck not. I've played the restoration patch before, pretty sure it's been updated since last time but honestly I don't know, hopefully has, I've pretty much done everything possible in stock FO2 in years past...
  10. PsychoSniper

    FO/FO2 map screen

    Does anyone know off of the top of their head the propper size format for those images ? If so, I may soon be submiting a new FRM for SAD.....
  11. PsychoSniper

    Naive fool gets pwnt. A naive fool gets pwnd! This is essently an extended series of chatlogs. The subject is this naive fool that gave up his account PW to some guy over IM, who stole said account and proceded to make he guy a walking punch line. Its long...
  12. PsychoSniper

    VanBuren FRMs

    I took it from on of the VanBuren screencaps..... thoughts ? EDIT- changed tittle
  13. PsychoSniper

    The button click sound from the FO interface......

    .... could someone extract it and send it to me ? Ive no clue about how to go about messign with FO sound files, I only dabble in FRMs........
  14. PsychoSniper

    FO themed clock

    note: I think this topic cold semi belong in general FO discussion or moding and hacking as well, but since it mainly deals with art,I posted here, (that, and thats what Kotario recomended, although its not his fourm as he mentioned, so feel free to move if you decide it doesnt belong)...
  15. PsychoSniper

    The OLD Zelda games..........

    .......are they abandonware yet ? Im asking because I cant find my old copy of a link to the past (SNES) and it just occured to me that the games over a decade old now. Anyway, Im just wondering if any of the old topdown view Zelda games are freeware (or if there are any decent...
  16. PsychoSniper


    Does anyone happen to go to school here <a href=>here</a> ? Some guy was posting useless shit on the fanout fourm, so I thought Id inform his ISP (his collage). I doubt its someone here, but I figured Id give fair warning just incase (and allow the person to fess up...
  17. PsychoSniper

    Amusing FO moments....................

    ......................... I just saw Marcus kill the president. However, thats not what is amusing. After the maze level, and the first few guards/turrets on the presidents level, something happend allowing combat to end (normaly once it starts I have to kill all soldiers here). I decided...
  18. PsychoSniper

    Fanout wallpapper

    A little something Warpath cooked up............
  19. PsychoSniper

    Let's rework ALL of the damage ranges for the FO weapons.

    (Note: I first saw a concept like this on a FO:C map I DLd, I think it was requeims BOScops one.....) Some of the weapon values just seem comicly weak to me. Heres my reworked version to make things somewhat realistic. Ill take all the wepons and catagorise and edit them later. Nuff...
  20. PsychoSniper

    Gas sprayer in FO universe: how to apply and fit the setting

    In the moding/hacking fourm, one of the new attack FRMs made is that for a gas gun, that would spray attack various gas agents over a small distance. Essently, what Im posting here for is purley for thoughts on little quirks or other things that would enable it to fit into the FO universe...