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  1. The Vault Dweller

    Unexpected Hardware Development (NSFW)

    MAJOR NSFW: I find it horrifying.
  2. The Vault Dweller

    A Strange History of Faith and Religion

    Sorry for making a separate topic and having a title that isn't too descriptive, but there's just too much to say. Take your time reading and replying to this though I would appreciate input on this as a written story. ------------- Religion for me doesn't start with an person or place. It...
  3. The Vault Dweller

    Sir Terry Pratchett Passed Away One of the worlds best authors having written 70 books in only 66 years of life and having what many would say the best sense of humor in the world is gone. I didn't know him personally so I'm not really sad, but I have to admit the world was...
  4. The Vault Dweller

    Netflix Developing Live Action "Legend of Zelda" series Oh man if this is true it's going to be...excruciating. If it's great then great. If it's not it better be terribly awesome (like the Zelda CD-i games). This poses lots of awkward questions though. Game of Thrones is...
  5. The Vault Dweller

    The USA stops being 1st... fatness! :clap: , The Vault Dweller
  6. The Vault Dweller

    Thread of Hope

    This thread is a counter to the "Thread of Regret" posted not long ago and quite heavily replied to. It's to create positive feelings for the future. As for me: Growing up I learned to love the mountains. I loved nature both the simple joy of wandering through a wilderness area as well...
  7. The Vault Dweller

    Planetside 2

    I've been playing it a few days. It's great in-spite of pretty bad lag due to performance issues. I have it set to the lowest performance requirements, but the size of the areas and the huge number of players are just too taxing. I will admit regardless of your want for FPS or MMO's the...
  8. The Vault Dweller

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    I spent the last hour browsing the 4chan /pol/ board which is dedicated to being politically incorrect. Everyone's going crazy for good, bad, and ugly. 1. Obama is almost certain to win. Yay/Nay? 2. What will be the fallout (lol I automatically made the "f" uppercase at first) for the...
  9. The Vault Dweller

    Alan Wake

    Wow...this game surprised me. Cons: -Terrible camera angles as typical from a console port. -Somewhat unresponsive controls. -Combat is highly repetitive. Pros: -Unique combat mechanics. -Good story. Also quite unique. (A thriller...that's new) -Great music. -Excellent...
  10. The Vault Dweller

    Steam: GREENLIGHT "A good idea with hilarious consequen

    So basically Steam has so many games developers want to sell through it they can't afford the staff to review them all so they're getting the fans to show what they're willing to buy by rating upcoming games. They can also add games they don't see. Problem is the number of games is huge and...
  11. The Vault Dweller

    My Small Attempt at a Survivalist Garden

    I've always had a romanticized view of being self-sufficient. Part of it is that it amazes me people in the past lived entirely alone and far from civilization on their own. The other part is probably all the post-apocalyptic stuff making it seem "fantastic". Also games having "herbalism" to...
  12. The Vault Dweller

    Mechwarrior Online

    I'm not much for MMO's. I've done the free trial for a few MMORPG's due to some family members loving them, but always found them to be lacking. I have played one MMO MOBA in LoL and I liked it decently. This is different however. For one thing I've loved the Mechwarrior series even if I'm...
  13. The Vault Dweller

    Credit Card Fraud

    So I'm online while eating lunch today and get an email from my credit card company about suspected fraudulent activity. I called them immediately and they said they had suspended my card after a transaction was made for over $400 in India. I've never been to or know anyone from there so...
  14. The Vault Dweller

    Kodak Corparation had secret nuclear reactor! I can't believe a private company can operate something like that. At least do it in a guarded facility somewhere isolated and not in a city. Sincerely, The Vault Dweller
  15. The Vault Dweller

    What "Could" Be the Perfect RPG?

    I want you to take as close a "perfect" RPG and fix/expand it to be perfect. Here are some examples and my personal choices: >Fallout -Needs to be longer and larger. -Needs better tactical options and effects like X-com. -More Joinable characters and interactions with them. >Arcanum...
  16. The Vault Dweller

    I Need Your Help, Personally, Quickly, and Desperately

    Preface: I have to warn you. This topic is going to be long, complicated, and have some very high "trolling/derailing" potential. Also I'm asking you to read it for my sake and not out of personal interest (although some of you might find it interesting). I have had three separate issues...
  17. The Vault Dweller

    References in Games (Also Easter Eggs) Good, Bad, How?

    Now I've noticed some games have huge amounts of references to other things including other entertainment mediums. Some games also have almost none. In your opinion do you like or dislike references in games? Does it depend on how they're presented? A reference can add a lot of joy from...
  18. The Vault Dweller about to hit 6 million sold record. Free Game Offer Anytime now the counter on the frontpage (huge and at the top) will hit 6 million at which point everyone who accesses the site within 48 hours can download a free adventure game in Broken Sword. I'm not a big fan of adventure games, but I've enjoyed them enough to feel...
  19. The Vault Dweller

    Multiplayer for Turn-Based Strategy Games

    Now I know that RTS games tend to have larger player-bases than turn-based and also that turn-based players are much more likely to play only the campaign then uninstall whereas RTS players usually try playing online as well. As such I'm skeptical about being able to find players in...
  20. The Vault Dweller

    Tooth Removal

    I know that the relation to the jaw and teeth are imperfect that being the presence of the last few teeth (molars or wisdom teeth) often don't form properly eventually falling apart and needing to be removed. Now I'm glad to report that I have great oral health. I'm 28 years old and have...